Democrats don't want black people to have any thing. Y u think the stimulus checks stop coming? Democrats are the bad cause of black people being held down. Kamala Harris is in Africa rite now trying to get Africans to stop producing children. And them democratic white bastards are doing it over here in America to. Joe Biden quotes the Bible and acts like he's a good Christian man but Biden is a pure demon. These Democrats have killed blacks for years and killed black leaders. The government. Yes the government. This is y they always try to find ways to devide black people. As long as u blacks fight eachother,sale drugs and hate one another the government likes that. Stop this u dummies. These white government criminals are always scheming against blacks. They want whites and blacks to fight eachother. The white man since the beginning of time have told lies to their own white kind to make whites hate blacks. Black people as long as u be foolish enough to vote for these devils that's all they want from u so they can stay in office. Black people spread this message every where to your other black people and tell them to spread this message. Don't vote at all for Democrat or republican because they know that the black vote is very important and it keeps their asses stronger in office. They just want to use u but not help u. They know that if u don't vote they don't have a choice but to do things for black people. Black people go on yik tok, facebook news, t.v. news and radio news and u a see the truth.