Check out the promo (featuring Notetorious: LMU's Premier A Cappella Group) for our upcoming signature event, Mane Entertainment in Concert with The Filharmonic!
What are we all about here at Mane? Why don’t you see for yourselves...😏
Special thanks to our amazing @superduperdec for making this awesome video! #meetme #meforlmu
Check out this “Aca-awesome” promo for our A Capella Showcase coming this Wednesday! See On Another Note LMU, The New Oppor-tunes at LMU, and Notetorious: LMU's Premier A Cappella Group hit the stage and hit those notes!
You do NOT want to miss this! Check out our super spooky promo from @jesseraypayne for all our Halloween events this month!! #meforlmu #spookyseason
Here is an amazing recap from @superduperdec of our last Off The Bluff event at Dodgers Stadium! Stay tuned for our next Off the Bluff to Horror Nights at Universal Studios! There might even be a giveaway...👀
Show us your inner Bob Ross at Paint & Pour tomorrow at 7PM in the Living Room! 🎨 #MEforLMU #lmuexp
#MarcMondays Instagram Contest
ATTN LMU Students:
This is your chance to meet Marc E. Bassy! Throughout the week, Mane Entertainment will be hiding this blown up photo of Marc somewhere on campus. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Marc will be in a different location. For a chance to win a Meet and Greet spot, all you have to do is:
(1) Find Marc based on our Instagram Post clues
(2) Post a photo of you with the photo of Marc on your Instagram
(3) Tag @maneentertainment and @marcebassy
(4) Hashtag #MarcMondays
Check back here at 12:30pm today for the first clue of the week!
Two more weeks until Marc E. Bassy comes to LMU! Stay tuned next week for a chance to Meet Marc!!
#MarcMondays #MEforLMU #lmuexp
You’d be crazy if you missed Nachos with Nacho Libre this Friday at 7:30PM in Founder’s Pavilion! 🧀 #MEforLMU #lmuexp
“Namaste in bed??” Not this week!! Come take a free glow-yoga class in the living room this Friday! There are 2 sessions at 7 and 8 pm. See you there! #lmuexp #meforlmu #glowga
And now introducing Radix! Come check them out this Friday at LMU BDC!! See you there!