Hollywood Breeze Photography

Hollywood Breeze Photography HollywoodBreeze Freelance Photographer. I travel and all themes are welcome! Message me for rates

I am a freelance photographer who just enjoys catching beautiful moments.

11 years ago when   did me up for Ventura Nationals. Should I do my hair these colors again?

11 years ago when did me up for Ventura Nationals. Should I do my hair these colors again?



UPDATE: We are relieved to share that she has been located and is currently at the hospital for evaluation. While she is physically safe, she has endured a difficult experience.

This fur babe needs a home

This fur babe needs a home

10 years ago with   Time really does just fly by!  She’s a wonderful friend and fantastic photographer. Book her now!   ...

10 years ago with Time really does just fly by! She’s a wonderful friend and fantastic photographer. Book her now!

Please sign the petition!https://chng.it/rsbFtgjLP5

Please sign the petition!


‘Precious’ the pub cat has lived at this hotel for about 14 years & has been cared for by two publicans now. We believe she is at least 18 years old, but that isn’t stopping the Mackay City Council from kicking her out of her beloved home here at the hotel. Apparently dogs are allowed but not cats so they told me 🥲 She has also been a marvellous vermin catcher seeing as we are situated in the middle of sugar cane country. I have 14 days to find her a new home!!!! Is there anyone out there who could give her lots of lovin & care for her final days?





How can I help?

We could never keep up this long fight for Justice for Caitlin, without your support and help. We are so thankful. Below are the top ways you can help:

•There is much cost associated with keeping our sister’s case alive and to keep it moving toward the answers we so desperately need. 💔
We have one GoFundMe only, and the “total balance” you see is actually the total donated over the last five and a half years, and has been depleted by the costs of billboards, ads, testing and specialists.

•We will soon have to stop our increased efforts to unless we can inspire our online supports to help us spread the word and meet our GoFundMe goals to keep the investigation going.

• Every single dollar we have been gifted has been used with discretion to get us closer to finally finding Caitlin.

•Our GoFundMe provides more details about what we use the donations for, in our private efforts to find Caitlin.

GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/e22442d8


Is Caitlin listed in the NAMUS database and other Missing Persons registries? Is her family’s DNA on file?

Yes. Caitlin appears as Caitlin Marie Denison within NAMUS and both her DNA and dental records are on file. Her case is Endangered Missing Person MP50270.

Caitlin is also listed with The Charley Project and now two of her immediate family members have submitted DNA that is on file with national databases used by law enforcement to match unidentifiable remains.


Do you have security footage of Caitlin or the man she traveled to meet at the airport, or video from Wal Mart in Midland?

•No. We do not have footage from any location where Caitlin reportedly traveled or visited. This type of security video footage can only be obtained by law enforcement, as video footage is not turned over by companies or airlines without subpoena or warrant.

•We were informed that by the time Midland PD got around to inquiring about surveillance footage at any of Caitlin's known locations, too much time had passed and the data was long ago deleted. 😔 Most airports and corporations are required to store surveillance footage for anywhere between 60 days to 1 year.

Did law enforcement subpoena video footage to confirm Caitlin arrived on an in Midland, TX?

Midland Police Department initially informed us that their former detective who had Caitlin’s case did not get around to requesting security footage, until months after her missing persons report was filed. It would have been deleted by the time it was requested at least six months later. 💔

•Midland PD, who was the lead agency on the case, would not elaborate about what else had been done initially to find her.

Can you obtain video footage from Wal Mart or the airport now?

No. The airport only keeps footage for 30-90 days and Wal Mart keeps footage for no longer than one year. Caitlin went missing over five years ago, and any footage of her not obtained early into the investigation (so, early 2018) has been long deleted. It also requires a warrant or subpoena to request the footage, so only law enforcement can request the footage. We don’t know why Midland PD did not request the footage immediately when they first received her case. 💔

Did Caitlin have a phone? Can you (her sister) request her phone records? Did Midland PD subpoena her phone records in time, or did they wait too long?

•At the time of her disappearance, Caitlin did have a phone. However, she did not have active service at the time (she used pre-paid cards) so while she was in West Texas, she relied on the use of WiFi to make calls and send messages. She was using Wal Mart wifi when she contacted her sister Rachael scared, on January 10, 2018.

•We (her siblings and closest friends) unfortunately do not have access to her phone records. It requires a subpoena or warrant to legally access digital records, as Caitlin was legally an adult (19) when she went missing.

We do not know if Midland PD ever obtained her phone records, but our independent investigator has been going through everything with a fine tooth comb and she’s also a cold case advocate, so she’s been navigating the media and communications side of things and offering us invalunle support, while also working closely with the Texas Rangers to ensure things are moving ahead.


Do you know the identity of the truck driver Caitlin flew to Midland, TX to meet?

Unfortunately, we do not. Law enforcement does know his identity, but they say they cannot release that information to us.

Did the truck driver fly with Caitlin from Reno to Texas?

We do not have evidence of this, no. We have reason to believe he purchased her airline ticket and then picked her up at the airport in Midland, TX when she arrived.

Is the trucker/ man from Midland or Reno?

• He is from "the Reno area" originally, according to what law enforcement has shared.

•He may live a nomadic lifestyle, as a truck driver who works and stays short term in different states. He may have a camper that he takes with him when he goes to a new job. We know he was staying in a man camp or RV park in the Midland area when Caitlin disappeared. We do not know which man camp or RV park he may have stayed.

How did Caitlin meet the trucker/man who flew her to Texas? Was she dating him?

•We do not know, and police have not disclosed this to us, because it's an open investigation. We believe, from our independent investigation, that Caitlin met the man in a Reno club or possibly in a Reno McDonalds a few weeks before he bought her an airline ticket.

•We have no reason to believe Caitlin was in a romantic relationship with himWe do not believe she knew him well at all, but we think it is possible he may have lured her to Texas with the promise of some kind of opportunity or assistance.

• In what would become some of her last communications, Caitlin contacted her sister Rachael from wal Mart in Midland the day after her arrival and said the man had tried to sexually assault her and made her afraid for her life. 💔😭

Where or for whom was the trucker working while in Midland, TX?

We believe he was working as a self employed trucker who may have been contracted to an oil company or multiple companies within the Permian basin. We believe he was working in the oils fields between Midland and Odessa in January 2018 when Caitlin went missing, and may have been staying in a camper in an Rv park or man camp in Midland or Odessa.


Do you have photos of Caitlin without makeup? People may not recognize her today if she is not wearing so much makeup.

We recently came across a photo of Caitlin with little-to-no makeup. You can see that photo of her pinned at the top of the page. Please be sure to share that post far and wide, as well. We have also been releasing new and unseen photos of Caitlin here on the Find Caitlin page. We have shared photos of Caitlin in many of her “looks” and styles.

Which of the photos did Caitlin most look like when she went missing?

Caitlin was styling her hair shorter and blonde when she went missing in 2018. She was known for changing her hairstyles and colors often, wearing bold makeup and edgy clothes. She was last known to be wearing black "fuzzy" boots and black leggings and a dark top. She was traveling with just a small bag, and had borrowed makeup from her sister right before she left for Texas. Her hair would have likely had darker roots.


**Caitlin has multiple tattoos on her fingers, hands and wrist areas. We have included photos of all of Caitlin's tattoos in posts on this page, and in her missing persons listings. She also often wears many rings and sometimes multiple necklaces at a time, and has piercings in her nose, tongue and gauges in her ears as well as multiple other ear and body piercings.

I can't figure out why Caitlin looks so familiar?

We have been sharing posts and information about Caitlin's case for over five years, so it's possible you've seen her photo somewhere before.
But people also often told Caitlin that she strongly resembled famous artist Ke$ha or Lady Gaga, largely dependent on how she was styling her hair and makeup. We know she loved hearing the comparisons because she adores both artists. would love hearing this because she adores both artists.


Has it been confirmed that Caitlin ever boarded a flight in Reno, NV to Midland, TX?

Yes, this was confirmed between Texas Rangers and Federal Air Marshalls.


Is Caitlin related to Brianna Denison? Is Caitlin Brianna Denison's sister? Cousin?

Yes, Caitlin Denison and teen murder victim Brianna Denison are first cousins. The Denison family is originally from Reno, Nevada and has suffered far too much loss. We need to bring Caitlin home. 💔

Could Brianna and Caitlin's cases somehow be related?
Could the same person or persons be responsible for Brianna's murder and Caitlin's disappearance?
How do you know this isn't a "copycat" situation based on Brianna's abduction and murder?

•We are confident that there is absolutely no connections between Caitlin's disappearance and Brianna's horrific 2008 abduction, r**e and murder.

•Aside from both of them being 19 years-old when they went missing, and sharing the same immediate family, there are few similarities between the two cases.

•Brianna Denison, who is also Caitlin’s first cousin, was murdered by James Biela, ten years before Caitlin disappeared in West Texas.

Biela was convicted and sentenced to death, following a trial that found him guilty using DNA from his child to match him to Briana’s crime scene. He has long been incarcerated in Nevada State Prison, where he remains on Death Row.

• Following Biela's conviction, Brianna's mother (our aunt) Bridgett Denison advocated for the passage of new Nevada legislature, requiring the state collect DNA from convicted felons. "Brianna's Law," gained traction and national support, after law enforcement disclosed Biela's DNA (collected from the crime scene where Brianna's body was recovered) had been entered into a national law enforcement database and matched Biela to additional r**e and sexual assault cases.

•Caitlin's story is also tragic, and the losses of both Brianna and Caitlin is immeasurable to the Denison family.


Do you guys have a TikTok account for finding Caitlin?

YES 🙂 you can follow us on TikTok . We ask tyou please share our posts and tag us in mentions.
Please also be sure you “like” and follow this page, so you don’t miss any of our updates about her case and all we are doing to find Caitlin.


Have you submitted your story to (any true crime show) yet?

Yes, we have submitted Caitlin's story to many outlets over the last five years. Many of you have also submitted her case. This includes “Crime Junkie” which is the most frequently suggested podcast among commenters on our page. She has been submitted to every popular true crime podcast and TV show, at least once. She has been submitted more than once to most.

We were fortunate enough to have Kendall Rae cover Caitlin's story on her YouTube channel recently. If you haven't listened yet, please be sure to check it out. It is linked on the home page.


We (Caitlin's siblings--Rachael, Nimbus, and close family friend Emily)
cannot thank each of you enough for the support in our continued search for Caitlin.

Your shares and encouraging words have kept us going in this dark season, as we continue to search for answers and employ our own investigators to find out what happened to Caitlin after she arrrived in Texas in early January 2018.

We have also created our own family-run tip line and email.


If you would like to send a message or question to us (her sister and few close friends) you can email us here: [email protected]

If you're able, every donation helps us get closer to finding answers about where to find Caitlin. We are so thankful for each of you.

She’s still missing so please keep an eye out for her and along the way donate if you can.

She’s still missing so please keep an eye out for her and along the way donate if you can.

There is just over a week left of the School Supply Drive!

Please help the Hiles family in honoring their daughter, Oakley, by having new school supplies available for local students before the first day of school.

On the flyer below and on this post there is a link/QR code that will take you an Wishlist. There you will find various school supplies items for all age ranges and many of the items are from school supplies lists posted by schools. Select Jamie Jo Hiles for the recipient & the items will be shipped directly to her.

A BIG THANKS to those of you who have donated school supplies already and those of you who continue to share about this fundraiser📚💛

We would like to share this message from Jamie Jo Hiles~
“As Oakley’s Mama, I thank you for honoring her with me & keeping her name out there through acts of service that help everyone- this is how Oakley loved, by helping.” ~ Jamie Jo Hiles




We’re casting Big and Tall Men for a photoshoot for Columbia. We need men who wear size XL and larger. No modeling experience is necessary to apply.

Pay is $900-$1200 per day of work in Portland, OR during Fall/Winter 2024. Must be 18+ and live in OR/WA. Must disclose your talent agency if applicable.

TO APPLY: https://www.weeblemountain.com/opencastingcalls/columbia

DON’T FIT THIS ROLE? Sign up for general consideration at https://weeblemountain.com/signup


Multnomah County, Oregon serves about 766,000 residents with health and human services, public safet

If you are able to they need volunteers weekly!

If you are able to they need volunteers weekly!

Thank you for supporting School Gardens as you're able, either by donating or volunteering, as we depend on community support. Please take a modest amount from the 1 farm stand in your neighborhood so we can share with everyone.

10:00am til gone, Wallace Elementary Farm Stand - On 4th & Laurel, outside of the garden
5:30-6:30pm only, Barnes Elementary - tabled in front of the school


Learn about WSDA's efforts to help farming operations purchase and use compost products.


In an ongoing effort to reduce crowding, adoptions will continue to be fee-waived through Sunday, 8/18 only.

Despite a successful week of adoptions reducing our capacity from 140% to 106%, we still face the challenge of 20-30 new animals arriving daily.

VCAS will always have space for urgent cases, including sick, injured, or aggressive animals. We continue to ask those who find lost dogs to make efforts at reunion outside of the shelter.

All animals in our care can be found at vcas.us/pets.

*Promotions do not guarantee the adoption of a shelter pet. All interested parties must participate in our full adoption process to ensure best matches are made. Small licensing fee may apply. All animals leave spayed/neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, flea treated, and with a voucher for a free vet exam.

Venturw county!!

Venturw county!!

49 dog adoptions so far this week! 🎉 Dog adoptions are still FEE-WAIVED until further notice due to capacity. Still hovering around 130% full.

We hope to keep the adoptions rolling over the weekend! Preview adoptable dogs online at vcas.us/dogs.

Adoption hours are 1-6PM Sat & Sun.

📍600 Aviation Drive, Camarillo CA
📍670 W Los Angeles Ave, Simi Valley CA

Please adopt!

Please adopt!

The adoption special kicked off Friday and will remain in effect until Aug. 31.

If you can donate please do. She was murderedBy the man she had a protective order against.

If you can donate please do. She was murdered
By the man she had a protective order against.

The Clark County Medical Examiner’s Office on Friday officially identified the people killed in a central Vancouver murder-suicide last week.

Please sign this, there have been way too many casualties in the past month. 6 just in July.

Please sign this, there have been way too many casualties in the past month. 6 just in July.

Left turn lane at Valley Vet on Highway 30

Please donate and/or share.

Please donate and/or share.

Support Robin's Resilience On July 21, 2024, my sister Robin Rodriguez's world was turn… Denise Portillo needs your support for Support Robin's Resilience


Los Angeles, CA


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