Heartbroken for Owen...
My 13-year-old son is a talented kid. About a year ago, he took an insult, a mean-hearted nickname that his "friends" gave him, and used his creativity to make something truly great. The boys in his athletics class were calling him "Try Hard" to insult the effort he made both in the gym class and on the football and basketball teams. At the time, the words hurt him deeply but many of you have heard the song and the video that he made to show his resolve. The tune was so good that it blew the kids away. Owen was proud of what he created. Before long, you would hear kids all over Lubbock singing the song. The varsity coach from Frenship High School was even using it in the warm-ups for his team.
This year, Owen asked a girl to the homecoming game and she said yes. Little did he know it would stir the pot for his entire grade. A few days later, the girl told him she couldn't go because it would risk her friendships with the other girls in the class. It turns out that other girls liked Owen too.
Two days ago, those same girls started mocking his song, and the girl who dumped him, laughed at their jokes.
Owen was so devastated that he came home and deleted his YouTube channel, losing all of the views and fans that he had gained during the last year. Nicole and I were devastated.
I can remember having similar feelings when I was 13. It was so important for me to fit in, that I wouldn't let my mother take me to Walmart because I didn't want other middle schoolers to think that my family was so poor that we had to shop there. Can you believe that? I bet you can if you went to Atascocita Middle School!
I also had similar feelings about playing the guitar. I was so self-conscious about what other 13-year-olds would say, that I refused to play in public until I was in High School.
I told Owen that whenever you step into the light, whether in athletics, music, or any other pursuit, there are going to be Trolls who will criticize you. This is especially true at his age when kids do not understand how hurtful their words are. The important thing, I told him, is to not let their insecure criticism change who you are and importantly, feel ashamed of what you have accomplished.
Owen has agreed to rebuild his channel. Please help him get back to where he was before all of this happened. I would really appreciate it if you would watch the video, like it, and share it on your page.
Thank you for your help!