Our 1st annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner was a success!
I am overwhelmed with gratitude and support from every single person that was able to attend and donate to our event.
I would like to personally thank my husband, Jake Dejonckheere for supporting all my spontaneous ideas and being by my side through it all! Thank you to Toddler Time, Inc. for allowing me to use their kitchen last minute after the previous local restaurant backed out of our event! A special thank you to Lauren Marie & Ian, to supporting me, helping me cook & helping with all the behind of scenes! Thank you to Ashley Bauer for literally helping me with every single thing! From labels, to prepping, packaging and everything leading up to the event! Thank you to The 315 & Morrow Arts Center for letting me finish up cooking and hosting the event inside the gym! Thank you to Angela Kelly Vinup & Lindsay Helms for taking care of the games & raffles! Thank you to my food servers! You girls did an amazing job!
Thank you to my amazing friends & family to helping me set up, prep foods, decorate, setting up raffles, games, and all the inbetween. This event could not have been as successful as it was, without you!
Thank you to the donors for the raffle baskets! Thank you to Billy Price for donating towards the food costs! Your contribution was very much appreciated!
Congratulations to all of our winners! If you were not able to stay until the end of event, I will be reaching out to set up a good time to get your baskets to you!
* Wine Cooler Bag, Bottle of Wine, and Tumbler: K.Flinchum
* Bogg Bag: Christen W
* Town & Country Salon: Lindsey Helms
* Eli’s Sports Bar: Lauren Day & Kim Edens
* Skyline Basket: Bailey Vinup
* LaRosas Basket: Tim Dallas
* Threads: Braxton Vinup
* El Picante: Brittany Crandall & Robin F
* Putters, Shooters & Macros Pizza: JD Willis
* Red Arrow Photography: Jess Phelps
* SHab’ Boutique, Herbal Month & Zumba Classes: Tim Dallas
* Pillow, Towels, & Apple Butter: Rinda
* Split the Pot: Kim Brucker (thank you so much for donating it all back to both organizations!)
Thank you all! Next year’s event will be even bigger!