It’s Friday and we are Feisty!! This week on Feisty Fridays…Remoulade of the Gods! #remoulade #poboy #chickenpoboy #sauce #neworleansfood #neworleans #catfish #friedcatfish
This week on Feisty Fridays we are kicking Pigs in a Blanket up a notch! This really easy version makes them a little more “gourmet” and makes the perfect do ahead appetizer for your next party. #pigsinablanket #andouillesausage #piggiesinablanket #andouille #horsdoeuvres #appetizers #doaheadappetizer #easyappetizers #feistyfridays #thefeistyfeeder
I had the pleasure of doing not one, but two beautiful brunches this weekend. Bride to be and Baptism. I thank my team for helping me pull it all off without a hitch. I couldn’t be happier or more exhausted. Homemade pita, brioche, sausages, including sausage for gravy, and biscuits are just a few reasons why I pride myself on my services. Now I’m hungry!!
2nd video in comments!
Brunch number 1 for a beautiful bride to be! #falafel #homemadepita #curriedchicken #shrimpcakesliders #shrimpcakes #roastedveggies #orzosalad #manchegoandapples
One of my most favorite brunches to date! I made home made chicken sausage and mushroom gravy for this one. Soooo good. Not pictured is the poached egg on texas toast with Sous vide pork belly, avocado mash, and home made salsa #brunch #gravlax #caviar #cremefraiche #tartetatin #biscuitsandgravy #crabcakes #porkbelly
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Kwanza to all my Feisty Feeder Fans on this cold morning. Many blessings to all!
Polyjuice potion-ginger infused apple cider, lemon, and bourbon
Looking for a delicious Halloween or fall cocktail? Try adding ginger juice and lemon to fresh apple cider for this bourbon martini. Can add a little cinnamon stick or even some green food coloring and call it swamp juice for a SPOOKY drink!!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! Guess what’s on the menu
First batch of ice cream going into new maker...keto mint choco chip. This week we will be mixing up regular mint choco chip, keto, regular,and gluten free cookies n cream. Keep your eyes out on our menu extras for the additions!!if you have a favorite that you would like to see on our menu, drop it below!!