We've got Valentine's Day on the mind! Visit the website to place a reservation to our Valentine's Day Dinner or order your loved ones some treats! We've added roses this year as well!
We have an amazing team at Kate Clyde’s. From the planning, to the prepping, to the execution of the event!
We had a fantastic wedding at a gorgeous, private home this weekend and thanks to team work we rocked it out!
A plated, full-service dinner for 185 with passed hors d’oeuvres & passed wine and a separate vendor buffet in the house. All out of a field kitchen set up in their garage!
Kate Clyde’s is a small, family run business and my father passed away on Wednesday. We were facing an extremely busy weekend and I didn’t even darken the door if the business until Thursday morning when I arrived to prepare for an event for 250 on Thursday night! I can’t say enough about how wonderful everyone came together and put the work in to get everything done!
Here’s a few photos from the event!
Such a gorgeous wedding!
At Catersource this week catching up with our colleagues in the industry and learning ( with a little fun thrown in)!
This Bechemel Sauce with cheddar for the Au Gratin Potatoes is making my belly happy!!!!
Come see us in The Camelia Room for dinner tonight! 5p-9p.
Call ahead for to go orders! 704-624-2051
Making dumplings!
It’s chicken and dumpling day!!!!
In fact, today we have 53 pounds of chicken and dumplings going out between our lunch service and orders! That’s a lot of flour and milk and rolling out dough! But we still did it the “old fashioned” way!
Come enjoy today’s full service lunch buffet.
126 E Main St
Marshville, NC
Eat in or Carry out!
Come see us for lunch today!
Be sure to try some of this delicious Succotash!
Mother's Day
Mother's Day is NEXT weekend! Do not miss an opportunity to order your customized Mother's Day Meal Kit To Go! Deadlilne for ordering is Wednesday, May 6 at 5pm.
We sincerely feel that we will be able to fill many, many, many orders however it is no secret the food supply chain has taken a huge hit due to COVID 19. Many food items particularly meats are very difficult to procure right now, we have already taken the worry out of the shopping and prep work for you! We have purchased a generous but, limited amount of each item on our Mother's Day Menu, BUT..... PLEASE order as soon as possible so that we may continue to guarantee each and everyone their menu selections. We will be monitoring orders for tight inventory control so the sooner, the better!
Mother's Day Menu
Please don't miss an opportunity to order your Mother's Day Meal Kit To Go!
Place orders at www.kateclydestogo.com or email us at [email protected]. You may also reach us by calling 704.624.2051, we are working remotely at this time so leave a message and we should get back to you within one business day!
Orders will be Received through Wednesday, May 6th at 5pm.
Pick up of your customized selections of our ready to heat and eat menu items will be Saturday, May 9, 2020 11am-4pm in The Camelia Room located at 126 E Main St Marshville. During the second phase of the check out process you will be given the opportunity to select a pick up time, please be sure to select a time within the alotted window on Saturday, May 9!
Delivery is available. Simply place your order on line and during check out you will be given the opportunity to include a note to us, please include you wish for delivery make sure you have entered your correct phone number in the check out process and include your home address and Vandy will contact you regarding delivery. Additional fees may apply.
As many of you have heard or seen by visitng the grocery stores many food items are difficult to procure at the moment. This is no different with our food service supplies, in fact I have had even more difficulty receiving ordered items because even our suppliers have begun selling to grocery stores. We have a limited number of each menu item already on hand so that we can guarantee our orders but we encourage you, we beg you to please get your order in as soon as possible!
Thank you so much! We appreciate each and everyone of you and your support!
Easter Specials
TODAY is the last day to order cakes!
FRIDAY is the last day to order meals!
THURSDAY - Hot lunch special is Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes & green beans or Pulled Pork, baked beans and potato salad!
THURSDAY we will also have sugar, ground beef, paper towels, disinfectant cleaners available for sale, curb side service. No need to go to the grocery store!
SATURDAY pick up and delivery of Easter meals and Saturday Market @ Kate Clyde’s! We will post all available items for the market Thursday evening!
Busy week! Don't miss out on these specials!
Easter Sunday Lunch Dining at Home
We are so sad that we are not able to host our Easter Sunday Lunch Buffet in The Camelia Room this year.
But we are excited to say we have prepared a menu for you to select some of your favorite Kate Clyde's menu items for you to heat and share at home with your family!
Meal orders must be turned in by Friday at 12 noon and all cake orders must be placed by Wednesday at 12 noon.
Curb side pick up will be Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 10am-2pm at The Camelia Room, 126 E Main St Marshville, NC!
Only pre-paid orders will be filled.
Stay safe at home! Let us do the grocery shopping and prep work for you!
We will also be giving out a roll of toilet paper for each serving / meal size you order. If your family doesn't need toilet paper we will gladly donate your rolls to members of our community that are in the most vulnerable age group of having complications from COVID 19!
30 Care Packages ready to go!
We are putting to get her our care packages for our most vulnerable segment of the community. These bags will be distributed to elderly and shut in members amongst us! Please feel free to bring a sweet and encouraging note or a colored picture for me to add to them! If you have elderly neighbors you are concerned about please reach out to me and I will see what I can do!