I wanted to drop in to say hello! I appreciate all the messages and inquiries you sent me, so I am dropping in to provide an update after I paused operations this past season. I am going to continue to not take on any wedding for the next year and into the future. You might see me around helping with friends and family weddings, and I might take on freelance work again in the future.
My long term career goal has always been to work in public service, which is what I am doing now. I am so happy with my career shift and the work I am doing now. If you didn't know, in Spring of 2023 I was hired for a dream seasonal job with King County Parks and am now in a permanent role in the permitting and scheduling office. I provide scheduling for dozens of events facilities, coordinating with event producers, and working with youth athletic groups for field scheduling. Around the same time I also started going back to school. I am almost finished with my bachelors degree in Business Administration and will be continuing on to earn my masters in Organizational and Leadership Management.
I worked in the wedding and event industry as both an employee and a business owner for over a decade and am so happy I did. I miss seeing all the other industry professionals on a regular basis. The creativity of design work is also something I miss, but I am feeling so grateful to be able to create for fun while working full time, year round in my new role. 🖤