Reese’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake #reesespeanutbuttercups #reesescups #reesescake #rgv #956 #pastelreeses #mcallentx
Rainbow Boho Baby Shower
#itsagirl #boho #bohobabyshower #rainbowboho #desserttable #mesadepostres #956 #texas #babyshowerdesserttable
Mickey Mouse Baby Shower
#mickeymouse #babymickey #babyshower #itsaboy #mickeymousedesserttable #mickeymousepartytheme #rgv #956 #texas #desserttable #mesadepostres
Rainbow Theme Baby Shower 🌈
#itsagirlthing #rainbowbabyshower #rgv #956 #desserttable #mesadepostres #minimostachon #minicheesecakes #raspberry #somewhereovertherainbow #somewhereovertherainbow🌈
Are you looking for a dessert table for your next event?!
Send us a message; we are ready to help you.
We have a variety of mini desserts. From mini baked sweets to chocolate covered treats.
Any theme or color scheme available.
Mi Delicia Postres 🍰
Offering cake and dessert tables for your next event. We have a variety of desserts and chocolate covered treats to choose from.
Don’t stress about your sweets; we are ready to help you.
What are you waiting for?! Send us a message for more information.