I want to take a moment to thank you for the outpouring of kindness, prayers,and encouragement after the fire at our kitchen. Your words have meant the world to me. Our building may be gone, but Fascinating Catering is still here. We’re committed more than ever to making your events delicious and memorable!
I’ve found a wonderful, commercial kitchen to use for the coming months while I look for a permanent location. While the new kitchen is not a public space, rest assured it’s every bit as professional and equipped as the last.
For over 20 years, it has been my joy to cater your special moments. Whether you’re planning a weddin, a reunion, or office party, I’m still here. So, don’t hesitate to reach out - Fascinating Catering is open for business and taking new bookings.
Thank you again for being the best part of this journey. Merry Christmas
With love and gratitude,