we know this week has been an uneasy week. Jem Social is dedicated to looking out wherever we see a problem that can be fixed.
many have been laid off, became full time freelancers, founders, and so much more. I was all three in 2024 and even had a health scare due to my ovarian cysts. we deserve so much more protection so instead of complaining about it, we forged this fruitful partnership.
we are now partnered with to ensure that creators, freelancers, entrepreneurs can receive health insurance in their budget. healthbird has coverage in most states and other available plans are available in the ones that aren’t covered. we have your back.
our link is in the bio to begin today. starting next week you’ll be able to enroll through your settings as well on Jem Social to enroll once Apple accepts the changes.
we will continue doing our best to be as supportive as possible and making the changes we find necessary. tell a friend to tell a friend. some of these plans start as low as $13/mo. some are $0 dependent on your income. our next goal is to help build creators wealth, for now let’s start with our wellness.
get health insurance. your body deserves it. link in bio 🔗