Life has been a little rough lately and thanks to these amazing people at Milwaukee Autonomous Tenants Union for helping me and my significant other out.
Don’t let your landlord scam you, read over your rights. Memorize them and put them to good work. You will be surprised what a landlord is allowed and not allowed to do.
Thank you everyone for your patience.
If you or someone you know are facing eviction, here are tips and resources to fight and stay housed.
1) If you receive a 5-day, 14-day, or any other eviction notice, you do NOT have to leave and you have a right to a day in court (which can take weeks to months).
2) Never ignore an eviction notice! Act right away to avoid an eviction.
3) Only a judge can grant an eviction and only the sheriff may physically evict tenants in Wisconsin. If a landlord changes the locks, removes possessions or belongings, turns off utilities, harasses or intimidates tenants to leave, this is illegal, including any other form of a "self-help" eviction outside of a court order. If any of this occurs, tenants may be able to sue for damages.
If an illegal eviction occurs, document everything in writing, call the police to let you back into your apartment, contact Consumer Protection at 800-422-7128 to file a complaint, and reach out to legal resources ASAP.
4) Apply for rental assistance right away! This may help your case in court.
5) Apply for legal representation immediately after receiving an eviction notice. Tenants with legal representation have the strongest chance of staying in their home.
6) Talk to your neighbors, organize your building, and help your fellow tenants out!
7) Join Milwaukee Autonomous Tenants Union (MATU). Don't go it alone. Come together and fight back! If you're willing to fight, we're willing to fight with you.
TALK TO A LAWYER! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Eviction Free MKE has officially launched for eligible residents. If you are being evicted, you have a right to court! Best practice is to attend your court date and show the commissioner you’ve been seeking rental assistance.
•Eviction Free MKE: 414-892-7368; www.evictionfreemke.org
•Legal Action of Wisconsin/Eviction Defense: 855-947-2529; www.legalaction.org
•Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee: 414-727-5300; www.lasmilwaukee.com
•Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics: 414-288-6912; [email protected]; www.law.marquette.edu/mvlc/brief-legal-advice-and-referral-services
•For free tenant/landlord mediation, contact Mediate Wisconsin: 414-939-8800; www.mediatewisconsin.org
•Community Advocates helps with rent, back-rent, security deposits, electricity, utilities, back-utilities, & other home energy costs: 414-449-4777; www.communityadvocates.net
•Social Development Commission (SDC/MERA): 414-906-2700; [email protected];
•Milwaukee County Energy Assistance provides income eligible utility assistance for heating & electric bills: 414-270-4653 or dial 2-1-1 to have an operator schedule an appointment for you: www.keepwarmmke.org
•UMOS helps with energy assistance, migrant housing & more: 414-389-6000; www.umos.org
•If your utilities are in danger of being shut-off, contact the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin at 1-800-225-7729; www.cubwi.org/consumer-resources/
•If your landlord is neglecting maintenance, not addressing pests, or heating: Department of Neighborhood Services (DNS): 414-286-2268; https://city.milwaukee.gov/DNS/About-Us/CodeViolationProcess
•If your landlord is making illegal leases, fees, or charges, file a complaint: Bureau of Consumer Protection: 800-422-7128; [email protected]; www.datcp.wi.gov
•General housing, including relocation: Rental Housing Resource Center: 414-895-7368; www.renthelpmke.org
•Milwaukee County Housing Division: subsidized housing and other housing assistance, for a list of phone numbers visit www.county.milwaukee.gov/EN/DHHS/Housing
•Hope House (414-645-2122; www.hopehousemke.org), Guest House of Milwaukee (414-345-3240; www.guesthouseofmilwaukee.org), or Milwaukee Women’s Center (414-671-6140; https://communityadvocates.net/what-we-do/milwaukee-womens-center/)
•IMPACT 2-1-1: Call 2-1-1 for homeless shelters, housing, utility, energy, & other resources; www.impactinc.org
[email protected]