Founded as Milwaukee Mobilization for Survival in March of 1977, we were part of a national network of national peace and justice groups organized around the issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear power, the escalating arms race and the attendent decline in funding for human needs. National Mobilization for Survival grew to include over 125 peace and justice groups before its national office closed in 1992.
In January 1996 we affiliated with National Peace Action, which had been formed from the merger of SANE and the Nuclear Freeze Campaign. It is the largest grassroots peace and disarmament group in the country. In 1999 we became Peace Action Wisconsin to reflect our statewide scope and membership.
Working with a broad spectrum of community groups, Peace Action has been in the forefront of building coalitions around progressive issues, serving as a clearinghouse for peace activities and taking the lead in organizing local action on international issues.
Peace Action Wisconsin owns its own building, the Peace Action Center, which serves as office space for several peace, environmental and social change organizations and as a gathering place for community events and meetings. The Center offers a resource library and a Peace Store.