Hoop Twin Cities is a space for Minnesota hoopers to revolve around each other and share the love of the hoop. See our full calendar here: http://hooptwincities.com/
HTC hosts weekly community hoop jams that are two hours of open practice & skill sharing time for hoopers (or any flow artists!). Looking for some practice time or an opportunity to learn something new? Join
us at a jam! EVERYone is welcome; all ages, all skill levels, all props. We always have music pumping and extra hoops on hand for sharing. We ask each hooper to contribute $3 to help pay the rental fee for indoor space. Bring a friend and a smile! Join our email list: http://hooptwincities.com/
Join us on our Group page to receive invitations to our events: http://www.facebook.com/groups/291860317592261/
We help facilitate workshops for hoop dance instructors who tour the country to help spread the love of the hoop. If you are one of them and would like to add Minneapolis to your tour, please contact us and we'll help with logistics and promotion. To make your workshop successful, we find that it's best to limit the workshops to no more than one each quarter. We're happy to share our calendar with you as you plan your tour. Just ask!
Hoop Twin Cities is also available as entertainment for your upcoming event. Planning an event with a luau theme? Circus theme? Or just want to include a fun activity? We can make that happen! Contact us and we can connect you with teachers or performers that will make your event something to remember!
Most of all, please use this space to share your love of hoop dance. Feel free to post hooping events, articles, links or share your photos and personal stories. We love to hear about all things hoop!