Good Morning everyone!
1st, I would like to thank everyone for supporting Mountainair One Nation Training Academy and the BEST Tournament. Seeing something in your head is a lot different that seeing it in real life, but this time around real life was better than the BEST Dreams. Thank you.
Now that the 1st show is out of the way, we wanted to share with y'all the next stage of our adventure.
M***a Musings and More the thrift store will be closing down. It has been a tremendous pleasure to service the Town, but we just do not do enough foot traffic to justify it staying open as is. I really appreciate everyone that has been by, and look forward to still offering amazing deals through other platforms and places to be announced soon.
With the store front closing, the Musings must enter the treasure chest and the And More comes to the forefront. I will be working full time toward expanding the offerings from the gym. With a couple more pieces of equipment, I believe I can cater a workout for just about anyone. I would like to offer Greco-Roman style wrestling and a weekly fitness class for the children of our community. And have started developing a guided(by me) tour hiking schedule for those who want to get a workout in and see pretty stuff! It will take a little time to get this all together, but I look forward to this next adventure very much.
Starting tomorrow, we will be having a clearance sell. Major markdowns, priced to move. Some really nice things can be had for a steal of a price. Come check us out!
Thank you!
-Brandon Overholser