Had a blast today at the #obxweddingexpo! Come see us on the wedding tour tonight at Basnights Lone Cedar from 4:30-8! We'll be dancing in #booth16 again tomorrow from 10-2!
#outerbankdweddingentertainment #jeremyrussellmusic #obxwa #obxweddingweekend #obxwedding #obxweddingmusic #obxdj #obxuplighting #outerbankslivemusic
Playing at Lone Cedar RIGHT NOW! If you are doing the Wedding Tour please stop by and see us! Lots of great food, drinks, music, and talented vendors! We will be back at the Wedding Expo at 9am tomorrow in booth #16! Come see us! #outerbanksweddingentertainment #outerbankslivemusic #obxwa #obxweddingdj #outerbanksweddingexpo #jeremyrussellmusic
I had a blast ringing in New Year's with this crowd! We were celebrating Natalie and Grant's union as we toasted to 2018! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Smith and cheers to a new year! Thanks again for the good times and for choosing #outerbanksweddingentertainment!
#outerbanksweddingdj #obxweddings #obxwa #jeremyrussellmusic #outerbanksdj #smittenbythesea #anchoryourlove
Songs played: "Marry You", "I Will", & "Nothing Else Matters"
@nrpainter @pcmarinanc @southernhospitalityobx @sarahdambraphoto @mulligansobx @heatherevents
Shout! Congrats Krista & Ryan!
#outerbanksweddingentertainment #jeremyrussellmusic #obxwa #outerbankswedding #outerbanksdj #obxweddings #smittenbythesea #anchoryourlove
@coastalshots @b_boukk @soundtoseabeachclub
#tbt to this past Saturday at the @sanderlingresort for Ali & Mike's wedding! My favorite part was the Hora!
#jeremyrussellmusic #outerbanksweddingentertainment #outerbankswedding #outerbanksdj #obxwa #obxweddings #smittenbythesea #anchoryourlove
@genevievestewartphotography @swell_weddings
Loved seeing some swing and jitterbug moves on the dance floor last night! Check out the couple in the middle - the man had requested some "big band music" and this was the result from Benny Goodman's 'Sing, Sing, Sing.' Wish they still taught this kind of dancing to the youth growing up. I would love to learn! Congrats to the bride and groom, Erin and John! I really loved being part of this beautiful wedding at the @corollachapel & @sanderlingresort! Fall weddings are in full swing on the Outer Banks and we are having a blast!
#outerbankswedding #outerbanksdj #outerbanksweddingentertainment #jeremyrussellmusic #obxwa @coastalshots @reelloveweddings
Fun in the sun on our day off! #hypnotizedbytheumbrella #youaregettingverysleepy
#igottafeeling that tonight's gonna be a good night! #nolovelikeleclercs
Having a wave of a good time at the Sanderling Resort meet & greet! #jeremyrussellmusic #outerbanksweddingentertainment #foolforlove
Having a wave of a good time at the Sanderling Resort meet & greet! #jeremyrussellmusic #outerbanksweddingentertainment #foolforlove
Gotta work on my piano face but not bad for learning this about 10 minutes ago! #guesswhosback #drdre