After much consideration, I have made the tough decision to take a hiatus from Little Griddle until further notice.
I am so grateful for all of you that have supported me on this journey over the past 3 years. It has truly been an honor and a pleasure. I was able to quit my full time job to follow my passion and with the help of all of you it has been such a successful adventure. Over the last few months Little Griddle has been growing a great deal and I feel that I just can’t realistically keep up right now. I decided to take a week off to give myself some much needed time to think and after some careful consideration I have decided this is where I am currently at.
Little Griddle started out as me cooking at home on my little flat top griddle, helping out close friends/family with meal preps and it has grown into a thriving business that has been putting out thousands of meals per month. I am so grateful to have such loyal customers, some who have been around since the very beginning. Little Griddle has grown so much and thanks to all of you was even able to thrive through a global pandemic. I am at the point where I had to make the decision of hiring a team or slowing down and taking a break. Running a business is not something you can do halfway, you have to be 100% committed to it and right now I am just not in the position to do so. While on my hiatus, I will be taking the time to decide if this is something I would like to continue in the future and if so, when Little Griddle will be returning.
I am so sorry to present this to you all so abruptly but at this time putting myself first was my biggest priority. If you have any questions/concerns or would like some recommendations for other meal prep companies in the meantime, I would be happy to chat with you.
I hope you all have had the best Little Griddle experience ♡
Chef Jax | Little Griddle Meal Preps