Been awhile since the last post/update. It was a very busy 2024 season, so thanks to all the great customers and experiences!
Since then, I have been hard at work trying to shift and reorganize a huge amount of rental inventory to provide a better shop consultation experience for all the existing and new clientele. Stay tuned for pictures and video of the expanded shop (same location, just more space).
Once the organization is complete I will be starting the daunting task of photo cataloging all the beautiful rental items to create an online space for viewing the inventory.
Of course on top of that, it is just about Maple Syrup Production season for our family farm, Carney Agri Farm, so things get extra busy between now and April. Of course year round we are bottling syrup, making lots of confections and meeting with our awesome customers!
During all these times, I am working diligently to stay in touch with everyone, create quotes, update quotes and hold shop and phone consults. If you are waiting to hear from me, I should be reaching out to everyone by the end of the weekend. If you do not hear from me by then please reach out again.