We are so in love with the Garden Roses we had come in and had to share these beautiful bouquets!
Our Garden Rose Delight Bouquets will brighten this dreary weather right up! These bouquets arrive arranged and ready for you to cut and drop into a vase of your own. This beautiful mix of Garde Roses, Baby's Breath and Eucalyptus are on special for $24.95 plus tax.
They are loaded on the website now at www.catherinesgarden.com
***Our no contact delivery is still FREE for our DAILY SPECIALS
ONLY IN NON EXTENDED AREAS. When you check out, you will see the delivery fee on the order but it will be REVERSED after
your order is completed and you will receive a follow up email showing the reversal.
Please remember to include the recipient's phone number so we can notify them when their delivery is on the porch.
**PLEASE NOTE, we have 4 extended delivery areas that due to distance have a delivery fee that we can not reverse. These areas include Indiana, Plainfield, Aurora, and Manhattan**