This is a Private Invitation Only Event!
- Scenic camping,
- Friendly and courteous licensed security,
- Food, Clothing, Art and Glow Toy vendors,
- Art installations,
- POI circle
- Fire Pit w/seating
- Comedy
- Magic
- Live murals
- Face Painting
- Body painting,
- Mind blowing visuals
- Laser Displays
- Three days & 3 Nights of music, Art, and love
- Over 100+ Performers
- D
J's, live bands, and jam sesh's
- Performing Arts & Artist
- Open jam sesh's
- Amazing Audio Experience
-Theme Camping
- Beautiful Video + Pictures
----Licensed Professional and Polite Security by-
Celtic Protection Services LLC-
----Sound, Lasers, Lights, and Visuals by-
Oliver Sound Systems-
Xplode Ent-
>Interested in Vending BoomBox in Da BoonDox Festival? We don't charge for Vending, but You will still need to personally Purchase a ticket for entry into the festival.. We will only list you and reserve your spot once you purchase your ticket(s). Vendors will need to provide your own power, shelter, and tables (Bring your own Generator or Solar Panels). Please message me your details if your interested!!! @ [email protected]
-------------------------THEME CAMPING---------------------------
Theme Camping is where you turn your campsite into a fun place for other festival goers to stumble upon and enjoy. Decorations, games, social activities, and everything your mind and imagination can create, this is the foundation for a Theme Camp. We encourage all campers to either be part of a Theme Camp or to create a Theme Camp. Here are some key points...
1st- Your Camp is encouraged to have a Flag or Banner with your camp name on it and displayed through the duration of the festival! (a camp Logo is very Encouraged)
2nd- Your camp is encouraged to be part of the Parade/ Conga Line (Approx: 3:30pm Sat) .
3rd- Were looking for camps that participate in the festivals functions, camps that bring fun things for everyone to enjoy, pride in your camp, outfits and costumes, things that glow and light up, Smiles and awesome attitudes, a cool campsite, and Shenanigans are a must!
4th- Be Early for set up (gates open Friday @ noon) .. HAVE FUN EVERYONE!
5th- You and your group will need to buy regular tickets! Being a Theme camp does NOT get you free Tickets... Tickets on Sale Now @ discounted prices! (
6th- Camp Sound is permitted in areas marked for approval! You may only be loud enough for your camp to hear and groove down to! Please respect quiet times when we ask or we will ask you to pack up your sound.
-----Do you have an art project or installation you would like to create or display? If so please send an email to [email protected]
Please do not ask to Play this Event, You may Submit a Press Pack to [email protected].