Truck will be out and about this week Wednesday and Thursday, so Winter Garden people, keep an eye out here for more info on the exact times and locations. (I rarely glance at the event sheets until I arrive to load up, that's on me.)
Once again, if you operate an event, or have contact with someone who operates an event that would benefit from having some really good Noms on site, and would like to have the Smoking Soul BBQ truck featured at said event, please shoot me a message here, or text me if you have that already, however it works. People who know me know enough that for me to get back into the foods game outside of PTMO and the Food Lab, it had to take one heck of a product, and one heck of a mission because last time was nearly the death of me literally. This product, and these people are that good. I want to be able to share how good this food is, and the mission that the team brings, to as many people as I can. I am not the most social butterfly on the planet, just a very loud noisy butterfly to anyone who stands close enough. I need help in getting the word out, and helping get the truck out to as many places as we can. (preferably within an hour of Clermont)