I love creating an experience for my clients 😍 personal chef services are my FAVORITE! You don’t have to wait for a special occasion either.
#callme #letusserveyou #blessmysoulfood #foodthatblessesthesoul #orlandoprivatechef #orlandopersonalchef #davenportchef #kissimmeechef #caterer #centralfloridacaterer
I don’t care what’s going on in life…if I call this beautiful lady she has always shown up! In difficult moments, marriage, divorce, loss, kids, financial trouble, pep talks, discouragement, depression, shoulder to cry on, a laugh needed, a ride, babysitter, love or realness, no matter the situation my big sis has ALWAYS been there! I’m so grateful to have someone so solid in my corner. Thank you God for blessing me with thee best sister ever! Happy birthday sissy Pooh! You age so gracefully, don’t look a day over 50! Love you so much 😘😘😘
There’s nothing like sisters…and mine is the best. I love EVERY moment with my Sissy Pooh! 💕 #SisterTrip2024 #BestSisterEver #Memories
Creating memories with family is more important now than it ever has been. I remember baking with Grandma, learning how to make cheesecakes, etc. I don’t remember one gift she has ever given me though. My nieces want to make a cake and Mema was so excited to help! 😍
Take the time to make lasting memories with your family. What I do is take these pictures and videos and send them to an email I set up for my kids. When they get older, they will be able to access these memories.
Yes! I still offer meal prep. There is no need to sacrifice taste for health. Give me a call so we can discuss your customized meal plan.
I love my job!
#orlandocatering #goodfood #personalcheforlando #prettyfood #bitesizedfood #blessmysoulfood #foodthatblessesthesoul #comfortfood #fallinspiredfood #corporatecatering #travelchef #davenport #fyp #Ilovemyjob
I was on my way to a drop off the other morning and as I was praying for my clients I said “let me share this”. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude. I’m so blessed to be able to do what I love for a living.
#notjustsoulfood #foodthatblessesthesoul #orlandogoodeats #foodthatblessesthesoul #personalchef #orlandocaterer #davenportchef #altamontecatering #corporatecatering #babyshowercatering #familyreunioncatering #inhomechef #centralflorida #blackownedcateringcompany