The theatrical draw of the story the character takes you through. The song CAINE was the first rap song I created. CAINE is about when I was a DJ at The Brass Ass in Newport, KY. Sometimes one can get in too deep, but some of the experiences were pure ecstasy. I'm glad lived it and met the people I did. Thank you: Sadie, Maria, Cisco, Julie, Vada, Christy, Mercedes, Diamond, Shae, Vegas, Rmina, Tr
I then decided to create another one, Dirty Ho. This is a song about revenge. I will not go into detail. The one it is about has not said anything to me yet. I don't know if they haven't listened to it or just don't get it. you could say my song BACK IN THE DAY was rap but it was still in the early days before I found GRAW. I first found out I was able to do the character GRAW two yrs ago when someone asked me to do a song for WV NORML The song "The Movement" was born. That is when I actually found what I was capable of. It was the turning point. It took me about one year of training myself to sing death metal to find the character with in myself that has been wanting to come out for many years. I like to mix a little death with my rap.
2024: I am currently the lead singer of When Gods Collide and also MC for various clubs/private parties.