We've been waiting to share some big news for our family and I thought St Valentine's day was a perfect day to share - that another baby Kanan will be arriving at the end of the summer! We finally saw baby at our first ultrasound, so we can now share our excitement with everyone else ❤️
It has been extra amazing to share this experience with my two girls so far. They are both SO excited and want to be involved every step of the way! Rayah practices her big sister skills every day on her many baby dolls, and Layla has become a doting supporter and my right-hand helper. I'm making it a priority to make sure they get to come to every future prenatal appt. Layla and Rayah take incredible delight in their pre-born sibling, hugging and kissing my belly each night at bedtime, and I cannot wait for the moments when we all get to meet him or her! It is so sweet and
heartwarming to witness their obvious affection from day one 🥰 28 weeks to go!