Do I even have what it takes...?🔍🥺
😩Self doubt in entrepreneurship seems to be pretty common, but I want to see if I can reframe something for you.
GIVE what it takes, to have what it takes. 💥
📚The education, the follow ups, the outreach, the videos, showing up (consistently😉) that IS what it takes and YOU can do that.
Think about what you have been through to even get this far... think about the hurdles, sacrifices and lessons you had to learn. YOU do have what its takes you just have to put one foot in front of the other and GIVE what it takes! 🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏾
One of my favorite quotes right now is- "You would not have this vision if it wasn't meant for you" and for my spiritual/universal people "The one who gave you the vision, will deliver the clients."✨✨✨✨
Now TRIGGER WARNING🤭; this only applies when you are aligned AF and not showing up as "half of your idea" or trying to pursue the safer/easier/more appeasing option so check that energy first girlllllll! This is convo for another day...😅
➡️💲If you know you are aligned and willing to GIVE what it takes, I have 5 FREE ways for you to show up to generate clients, income and awareness in your business right now!
1. Add yourself to niche group and use the SEARCH BAR in that group to find keywords. I am not kidding I do this EVERY time I need new clients. I go into the big boss mom groups and type in social media/ marketing/Instagram/ social media/ facebook ads/ etc! I answer question, provide value and do my go to pitch. Every single person following that thread will see your answers.
🗣👂When I do this, I have 3 motives. Build relationships with people- If I can get someone into my FB group, grab their email, or ask me for more info on my business, it leads to income generating!! If you spend 10 minutes doing this in 3-5 groups you will get your discovery calls set up.
2. Make your emails SEXY. You have to keep talking to the people in your emails. If you have long gaps of 3-4-5-6 weeks that go by you know some Karen is emailing them great tips, coupons, or info they want every other day.... you become less memorable and you do not want that! Build that relationship up via email with good content, give/teach and when you are ready to ask for a sale they will listen!
3. OPP strategy! I will preach this until I am BLUE in the face Ha. FIND parallel business that can use your content to help their audience that also gets them in front of THEIR audience. They get in front of your audience you get in front of theirs! It is the closest thing to grass-root marketing that you can get without a direct referral now a days!!! Have something ready to teach and GIVE and you will be welcome!
4. The BEST thing you can do for your algorithms and authority is create content. Not sure what to do? KEEP MAKING CONTENT and put it everywhere that aligns. FB groups, IG, Linked in, Pinterest are all FREE resources hunny! Get your amazing services in front of people who would love to buy from you but haven't FOUND you yet. Don't forget just like google, Facebook/YT/ Pinterest and now Tiktok are their OWN search engines with BILLIONS of combined people using them to find answers.
5. Perfect your lead magnets! If you know what your audience is seeking then you better have a quick an easy way to entice them to get it. Listen, much like a salesmen knocking at the door you have 5 seconds to make them believe that you are not going to waste their time! You can't convert people with a 5 box checklist anymore, there is SO much content out there, that they need to know that YOU are the missing link that will solve the problem that the other 8 YouTube videos they just watched didn't answer. Now... same scenario, your ideal client has been searching and watching videos and reading everything to find the answer.... do you think that a 5 point generic checklist will get them on the phone with you. NOPE is right. 🥰GIVE in your lead magnet and I promise (combined with the above) it will be the converting factor that you have been missing!!!
🥳Bonus Tip: "Have what it takes" is not any form of a mile stone. Break down your goals into tangible, actionable and measurable smart goals to keep you motivated. Is my website up and running is measurable. Have I reached out to 20 people a day for the last 7 day IS MEASURABLE. Have I posted on social media today and engaged with my audience. Have I sent out an email. Have I done any lives. Have you completed 5 income generating tasks today!!!! The list can go on and on. 📊
You are enough, you have enough and I believe you are capable of GIVING enough!!!!💗💗💗💗