I want to know... Have you ever felt like you’re just going through the motions? Drop a comment...
Life becomes mundane and routine: Wake up, work, sleep, repeat.
What if you could press pause and feel something different—something that awakens something within you? You know what feeling I am talking about.
That feeling you'd get when you were younger, or before you had kids and every day became one giant blur. Before your entire wardrobe was only leggings and the same baggie hoodie from your senior year of high school with holes in it, maybe even with a little food leftover on it from Taco Tuesday night (and if you have kids, I am betting it's food from them lol). Before you tucked your lingerie to the back of your underwear drawer and replaced it with comfy, sensible, yoga un**es or granny-panties. Before, when you'd spend 2 hours getting ready to go out with your friends, doing your hair & makeup and actually looking like a human being that didn't just crawl out of a dark hole (hi, its me). Ya know that feeling? Do you remember her?
I want to bring her back. Bring her out, show her that life is still beautiful, she is still beautiful, and that just because life started life-ing and we have gotten older, or that we have had kids, or that we "never have time," or that we've "gained weight," doesn't mean she has to hide.
A session like this is a way to reconnect with the lost part of yourself I know you feel is still there. Let’s reignite it ❤️