๐ I am incredibly excited to share with you that I will be growing multiple varieties of brand new, never-before-on-the-market Floret Flower Farm originals this year; Dahlia, Zinnia, and Celosia varieties that are truly *brand new* to the flower-growing public, including:
๐ผ Precious Metals Zinnias
๐ชทShooting Star Dahlias
๐ชปSpun Sugar Celosia
..and quite a few more!
These are flowers you simply cannot just purchase seed for at your local seed supplier. Nor can you find them in the bouquets at the grocery store or co-op. Erin and her team at Floret Flower Farm have painstakingly bred these varieties over the past 7 years to cultivate seed with a stable-enough profile to finally be able to offer to the public, and I feel incredibly privileged as a relatively new admirer of hers to be able to have these stunningly unique flowers on my to-grow-list for you all this year.
If you haven't done it yet, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to receive special offers on bouquets for this season including these rare, sought after varieties. I'll also share the entire process of my grow season, PLUS you get a free, editable copy of my planting calendar I created, so you can plan your own gardens and stay organized!
Join today and save 25% off your first bouquet, PLUS receive a free, fully customizable copy of my planting calendar to plan and stay organized in your own gardens this year!