A small business is much more than one person. These are the people who I could not do this without. I am incredibly grateful for my family’s unwavering support. My mom’s check-ins and advise, my dad’s enthusiasm for hearing about each event, my brother’s encouraging messages, my nephew’s delight in seeing photos and his amazement that people actually pay me to do this, and my husband’s cheerful help in packing the car make all the busy days so much brighter. Their love and encouragement fuel my passion and make this journey even more rewarding.
In the thick of wedding season they make time for me. They move their plans to fit mine and they always help out whether it’s running errands, doing an extra load of laundry or allowing me to talk through a logistical situation none of them ever complain. I am so lucky to them on my side. Cheers to halfway through my wedding season 🥂