Why you should hire a Professional Photographer
1. Selfies versus Professional Photographs - The distance that most selfies are taken at distort your face, nose, lips, eyes, jawline, hairstyle even the colors of your eyes. It is extremely difficult to get a good angle even with a selfie stick.
2. Professional level Camera’s - Have the ability to create a perfect image through the high quality sensor and the high quality number of pixels.
3. Professional Lenses - Allow everything from micro, macro, and capturing even details from extreme distances. Professional level lenses have superior optics which create superior images.
4. Professional Lighting - Professional level lighting and knowledge of how to utilize it results in Professional level images.
5. Professional Posing - While some may be very practiced at posing, A Professional Photographer will be able to see your most flattering lines of your face, hair and body and to pose you utilizing the light to enhance your positive aspects.
6. Professional Editing - Selfies don’t have the same possibilities for editing that a Professional Photographer has with the proper camera, lighting and software to remove flaws, soften and to give you an image that is frame worthy.
7. Enlargement Capabilities - Unless you have the Professional Level Camera’s pixelation will occur when you try to enlarge beyond a 16 x 20.
8. Quality of images - Professional Photographers images can be used on billboards, buildings, print and digital. You can enlarge them without distortion or pixelation.
9. The Professional Photographer - is the most important component of capturing superior high quality images as they come with the full package of education, skill, talent, professional level gear and experience.
You get what you pay for and to have a Professional level, superior quality image produced by an experienced Professional Photographer allow you to experience that "a picture is worth a 1000 words." There is no substitution for quality, it speaks for itself.
Call us at (916)247-8777 to book your appointment for a Professional Photograph Today. Exquisite Moment's Photography , , , , Visit us on our Wordpress Exquisite Moments Photography Blog for more tips, techniques and secrets from Professional Photographers.