Something that doesn’t get touched on closely enough in any of the films is that, unlike Luca Brasi to Vito Corleone, Al Neri became not just Michael Corleone’s unfailingly faithful strongman, but Al also turned out to be Michael’s closest friend.
As Vito had saved Luca from death and himself, so did Michael rescue Al Neri, who had once been a brutal, but fair policeman, who meted out punishment to criminals as he saw fit, if often outside the boundaries of the law. That eventually caught up to Neri, and he was in jail on murder charges of a pimp and drug-pusher, who was guilty of far worse crimes than what Neri was charged with.
At his lowest point, with the Grim Reaper staring down at Neri, Michael made it possible for Al to walk out of jail a free man. And, Neri repaid Michael with unwavering loyalty for the rest of their days.
As for Vincent, well…..I understand why some might think he was inept, but he was actually very smart. Yes he was just a hothead like his deceased father, Santino Corleone.
Despite that, he was smart enough to pick up on the fact that two thugs had sneaked into his apartment to murder them, and both disarmed them, wrung out all the information he could from them, and then disposed of them, all without getting arrested or spending any time in jail.
After that, he masterminded the plot to take out his enemy, and the man who was sh*t-talking Michael Corleone all over New York, Joey Zasa, and by taking a page out of Al Neri’s playbook, by donning a police uniform.
Neri was in on the planning of Joey Zasa’s assassination, so Vincent doesn’t get all the credit, but Vincent did all the heavy lifting, so he gets credit for scoring the winning touchdown, so to speak.