‼️‼️‼️ Sale Sale Sale ‼️‼️‼️
I have items at discounted prices
8-Blitz Metal Care Silver Cleaning Rag- $5 each
3- Selmer Guitarron Strings (Pink, Green and Blue) $10 each
2- Helicore Violin Strings $30 each
5-La Bella 900 Strings- $10 each
4- Pro Arte Guitar String EJ 44C $7 each
Belts- size 28,30,32, and 36 $30 each
Black Boots- size (2) 26.5 and (1) 27 $45 each
White Bone Boots - size (1) 26, (2) 26.5 $45 each
Call or text me 210-636-2112