RSVP Events - NEW Website!
Check out what we've been up to while quarantined! We've updated our website and couldn't be happier to share it with you. This is something we have been wanting to do for awhile now, but never quite found the time. We are sitting at home patiently waiting until we are safely allowed to party again.
In the meantime, check out the site and let us know what you think
A huge thank you and special shout out goes to our web designer and friend RJ.
This doesn’t happen at many mitzvahs but the energy last night was amazing! DJ Benji had the floor packed the whole night and even the adults joined in. Such a fun night for a super incredibly family
#rsvpsdevents #benjaminasherproductions #besasandiego #congregationbethel #sandiegopartyplanner #sandiegoeventplanner #campmountainchai #israelpride
When it's your #batmitzvah and you dance, you invite your dance team to perform. #killedit #besasandiego #sandiegoevents #congregationbethel #sandiegoeventcoordinator #lajollaevents
How am I supposed to move this centerpiece? #premier...lajollacatering to the rescue! #rsvpsdevents #eventcoordinator #jobhazards #darlingtonhouse #lajollawedding
You guys, the fun here is not stopping! #gottamakeheraQUIROS #gartertoss #sandiegoweddingcoordinator #sandiegowedding #rsvpsdevents
Fine, last one! #gartertoss #rsvpsdevents #sandiegowedding #sandiegoweddingcoordinator #gottamakeheraQUIROS
Courtney & Matty's #grandexit
SD Fox5 Wedding Trends
San Diego Fox 5 Morning news clip with upcoming wedding trends. Sweetheart Table styled by RSVP Events. #fox5am #rsvpsdevents #weddingpartybridalshow #sandiegoweddingcoordinator #sandiegobride
Now this is how you #hora 🎤#jonandtambecomeafam #rsvpsdevents #lajollawedding #sandiegoweddingcoordinator #congregationbethel