Lana Lamce MUA

Lana Lamce MUA My name is Lana, I am a make up artist and make up and beauty enthusiast.

“The feminine cannot, will not surrender To the wounded masculine...A man who criticizes herBelittles Dishonours Control...

“The feminine cannot, will not surrender
To the wounded masculine...

A man who criticizes her
Or attacks her

Her own inner masculine will not allow it
He will rise fiercely to the forefront
To stand guard
To do the job himself

The feminine can and will only surrender
To the divine masculine...

A man who is devoted to her
And protects her

A man with boundaries
And humility

In this space
She will feel him penetrating her very essence...

Her body
Her mind
Her heart
Her soul

And she will feel safe...
Safe enough to surrender

This is the natural law
This is the dance of healed polarities

This is surrender...
To Love”

~ Karen Star

Ary | Unknown

CONSCIOUS LOVE IS FELT IN THE SOULIf you plan to fall in love and live with someone, become an observer.Why?Because you ...


If you plan to fall in love and live with someone, become an observer.


Because you fall in love with a body, but you marry a character.

He observes his character, his customs, his habits, his spiritual life, his state of consciousness, if he knows how to manage his finances well, observes his way of being, how he relates to his parents, siblings, even children if he has them, how he socializes with other people, how he handles anger, jealousy, sexuality, how he acts under pressure, how he assumes his responsibilities and commitments, how he takes care of his integrity, his purity and his constancy in his desire to live consciously, how he is responsible for his life, his actions, his emotions and feelings.

Courtship is not to discover the body, it is to discover character. That’s why, if you fall in love, observe his character again and again.

Before making a decision as important as living with someone, exercise the observation of character, so you will be protecting your heart and thus your tranquility and your future.

Men and women alike.

The Mãgø

Sometimes peace can be costly. You have to be willing to cut yourself loose from people, places, things, and situations ...

Sometimes peace can be costly. You have to be willing to cut yourself loose from people, places, things, and situations that deter you from your serenity.

Costly, but there’s no better investment than that of peace of mind. It’s totally worth it and necessary to your well-being.

Marilyn Monroe: ′′The world’s biggest & most elegant icon”. She had a stomach that wasn’t toned, her thighs had cellulit...

Marilyn Monroe: ′′The world’s biggest & most elegant icon”. She had a stomach that wasn’t toned, her thighs had cellulite, she had stretch marks & her b***s weren’t firm. She is considered one of the most beautiful women ever.
If the beauty standards of natural & real bodies had been kept this way for the past 6 decades, women wouldn’t feel the need to have an unattainable figure.
Accept yourself, love yourself & break away from unreal & unattainable beauty standards.💃💪💋❤️

«You’ve gotta start romanticizing your life. You gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that e...

«You’ve gotta start romanticizing your life. You gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. You have to, because that’s when you start truly living. That’s when you look forward to every day.»

A woman is attracted to a man who possesses emotional intelligence. The way he listens attentively and communicates effe...

A woman is attracted to a man who possesses emotional intelligence. The way he listens attentively and communicates effectively is a major turn-on.

She finds it refreshing to be with someone who not only hears her words but also understands the emotions behind them.

This level of empathy and understanding creates a deep connection that goes beyond surface-level interactions.

A woman is drawn to a man who is emotionally aware and in tune with his own feelings as well.

His ability to express his emotions openly and honestly fosters a sense of trust and intimacy in the relationship.

She feels safe and valued, knowing that her partner can navigate the complexities of their emotional landscape together.

A woman appreciates a man who uses his emotional intelligence to handle conflicts with grace and compassion.

Instead of reacting impulsively or defensively, he approaches disagreements with a calm and thoughtful demeanor.

This maturity and self-control not only resolve issues more effectively but also strengthen their bond.

A woman is attracted to a man who embodies emotional intelligence because it signifies a deep level of maturity and respect.

It shows that he values her as a partner and is committed to building a healthy, loving relationship.

This kind of connection is rare and profoundly fulfilling, making her feel cherished and understood in ways she never thought possible.

- Abhikesh

TAKE THE RISK OF BEING LOVEDIt’s one thing when somebody says, “I love you”.It’s another thing when they witness the par...


It’s one thing when somebody says, “I love you”.

It’s another thing when they witness the parts of you that you think are ‘unlovable’, and yet they still love you.

When you drop the front, the facade, the mask, and they love you even more.

It’s one thing to be loved. It’s another thing entirely to be loved for Who You Truly Are, not just an image, an idea or expectation of you.

When you feel seen, exposed in the light of love, and their love remains constant and safe. When you feel like you don’t have to hide the ‘dirty’, ‘shameful’, ‘sick’, or ‘unworthy’ parts of yourself, in order to keep them close. When you can fully relax, breathe, let your guard down, and be your authentic, wild, weird human self with them, no fear of rejection or punishment. When you feel whole in their warm presence, no concern that you will be shamed, ridiculed, judged or abandoned for exposing your authenticity.

It’s not just love we long for, it’s this fierce unconditional love that truly sees us as we are - imperfections, deformities, flaws, vulnerabilities and all.

It sees our darkness, it sees our terrors, and it still says YES.

Take the risk of being seen.
Take the risk of being known.
Take the risk of being loved.

Jeff Foster
Gratitude to unknown artist

Erotic Creators

Respect is the foundation for trust and those lacking respect for others are the real danger to your freedom and happine...

Respect is the foundation for trust and those lacking respect for others are the real danger to your freedom and happiness. Without respect, there is no basis for fairness or cooperation because boundaries cannot be honored without it. The moment that someone stops respecting you as a person and their partner, they are taking control of the relationship dynamic by either giving you a set of demands that are backed by threats or bullying or they are punishing you for not getting what they wanted from you.

Love cannot thrive without freedom because control creates fear and fear deprives you of the feelings of love, safety and security. If love is not treated as sacred then betrayal is waiting in the shadows. As the saying goes: the person who loves the least controls the relationship.

Love creates safety and the stronger the love, the greater the desire to protect and care for another. The love and care that we give is the sunshine and water that makes our relationship grow. What a blessing when we are loved for who we are and we are able to share a sacred space with someone who cares about our freedom to love and live life with peace and security!

-Joel Clemons
Amazing photo with original by: Ang McCabe

Erotic Creators

This should be your mantra.

This should be your mantra.

ЛЮБОЙ ПЕРЕХОД НА НОВЫЙ ЭТАП ОПЛАЧИВАЕТСЯ КРИЗИСОМТак или иначе...Если женщина задержалась в роли, которая себя уже исчер...


Так или иначе...

Если женщина задержалась в роли, которая себя уже исчерпала, она начинает потихоньку сползать к эмоциональному банкротству. У нее уже нет сил, нет мотивов, нет интереса.

Чем дольше задерживаешься в исчерпанной роли, тем больше становишься персонажем, все реплики которого предсказуемы, а шаги прописаны.

Надо подвести мораль, но в этом нет правды, когда твой собственный кризис стоит перед носом как большое темноводное озеро, в которое нужно нырнуть целиком, не зная, хватит ли тебе воздуха.

Быть готовой утонуть, так и не коснувшись дна. Или пробить его собственной головой, выйдя с другой стороны. Быть готовой к своей неготовности.

У женщин, входящих в кризис, есть иллюзия, что они смогут сохранить жизнь неизменной. Те же связи, то же лицо, тот же уровень. Но кризис — это всегда изменения. В первую очередь того, что сложнее всего менять. Иначе он не был бы кризисом.

Рано или поздно в него придётся войти. Медля на берегу, вы все равно платите своим временем, силами, и, в конечном итоге, жизнью. Так или иначе.

MASCULINITY AND FEMININITYEvery woman wants to see next to her a strong, confident, courageous man, responsible, decisiv...


Every woman wants to see next to her a strong, confident, courageous man, responsible, decisive and independent..

When a woman begins to put herself above a man, even if she is a mother and he is her son, begins to educate him how to live correctly, while taking an active masculine position, she breaks the man as a person.
Giving instructions, teaching life, commanding is a man’s privilege.

If a man is deprived of the opportunity to make decisions on his own, if you put yourself above him, be proud of your intelligence, ridiculing his decisions and aspirations, over time he will completely lose his masculinity, believing in his worthlessness.

Women raise men! But you can educate like a woman, acting with love and affection, or you can like a man, assertively and aggressively. And get the appropriate results.

Only a Truly Strong Woman can be weak!

A stupid woman will always strive to be stronger and smarter than a man, to compete with him in leadership.

A wise woman will take her natural position, completely trust her husband and allow him to make his own decisions, make mistakes, correct himself and move on.

A man becomes a Man only when his natural right to make decisions on his own and to take responsibility for the family is not taken away from him. When they trust him and do not point out his mistakes, when they are inspired by his strength, and do not reproach him for his weakness, when they inspire him to new horizons with their femininity and wisdom, occupying a subordinate position, and do not undertake to compete with him..

If you want to see your man as Courageous, pay attention to how you communicate with him, in what tone.. If you are the mother of a son, remember that the image of your attitude towards him greatly influences the formation of his personality. Allow him to make decisions himself, treat him first of all as a future Man, protector and patron, and not as a small, unintelligent child.

Development Center “WHO AM I?”

Let someone love you just the way you areas flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unacco...

Let someone
love you
just the way
you are
as flawed
as you
might be,
as unattractive
as you
sometimes feel,
and as
as you think you are.
To believe
that you
must hide
all the parts
of you that
are broken,
out of fear
that someone
else is incapable
of loving what is
less than perfect,
is to believe
that sunlight is
incapable of entering
a broken window
and illuminating
a dark room.

✍️ Marc Hack

СВОБОДА - ЭТО ВСЕГДА ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬИ эту ответственность нужно будет взять на себя. Назначить себя главной ПРИЧИНОЙ! Я ...


И эту ответственность нужно будет взять на себя. Назначить себя главной ПРИЧИНОЙ! Я причина всего, что со мной происходит. Не папа, не мама, не тяжелое детство и не родовые программы. Не муж, не его настроение или поступки. Не погода, не месячные, не задержка зарплаты. Я! И только я.

Я беру ответственность за себя и начинаю уже ПРОЯВЛЯТЬСЯ во внешнем мире! Звучать, заявлять о себе! Действовать!

Я забираю ВЛАСТЬ НАД СОБОЙ у всех, кому сама же ее отдала! У своих страхов! У своих близких! У своих привычек! У любимых людей. Я хочу научиться РЕШАТЬ сама! Управлять сама! Прощать и выносить приговоры сама.

Это сложно... бояться легче. Куда проще страдать и терпеть... обижаться и воевать... Жаловаться и удивляться, почему это Принц, такой заботливый и щедрый вначале, все чаще принимает образ Тирана. Жестокого и равнодушного.

Мы не оправдываем мужчин. Но и не обвиняем. У них тоже есть своя боль, раз они оказались в этой Игре.

Взяв ответственность за себя, мы становимся Авторами Игры. Не унылыми наблюдателями, с которыми СЛУЧАЕТСЯ жизнь! А активными Игроками! Азартными и Живыми. Мы бросаем вызов СЕБЕ! Своей Природе! Своей Правде! Своим безграничным ВОЗМОЖНОСТЯМ!.. Мы становимся ПРИЧИНОЙ изменений во внешней РЕАЛЬНОСТИ! И она нам радостно поддается!

В этом нет ни злости, ни противостояния, ни войны. Это только Игра! Только творчество! Только действие! Только БУНТ как энергия освобождения! Как энергия сброса оков... Как энергия Правды!


“The truth is — genuine connection is ease. It is peace. When you find it you will know. You will feel seen, you will fe...

“The truth is — genuine connection is ease. It is peace. When you find it you will know. You will feel seen, you will feel like you are being mirrored back to yourself, like you are discovering the shadow of your own heart in another human being.

Slowly, through loving the right people, you will come to realize that the human beings who are meant for you in this world will not exhaust you, or hollow you out, or leave you feeling like you are hard to love. Slowly, you will come to realize that you do not have to romanticize the things in this life that hurt. You do not have to run towards the fire. Love does not have to feel like a fight, does not have to feel like battle, does not have to wound.

Slowly, you will learn how to lay down your arms. How to walk away from those who will only ever love you in halves. Slowly, you will learn that you cannot love someone into loving you, or being ready, if they are not. You cannot love someone into their potential. You cannot close their hands around your heart if they are not willing to hold it themselves. You have to let them go. You have to focus on the people in your life who bring you back home to yourself. You have to focus on standing up for that kind of connection, on honoring that calm, because it exists. It exists.

And I hope you learn to trust that, because when you come across it, when you ultimately experience it, it feels as if you are standing at a door you finally have the keys for. You enter it with ease. There is no fumbling through your jacket pocket trying to find the right way in. There is no desperately reaching into your bag trying to uncover the point of access. You are no longer banging your fists against the door, asking to be invited in. You walk through. Soundlessly. Softly. Relief washes over you. You take off your shoes. You hang your coat in the closet. You put on a pot of coffee. You’re home. You’re home.”

~ Bianca Sparacino

“The problem with false positivity is that it’s a form of avoidance, not a solution. It’s a way of sidestepping the real...

“The problem with false positivity is that it’s a form of avoidance, not a solution. It’s a way of sidestepping the real issues, the real problems, and the real feelings that we have. It’s a way of denying our true emotions and masking them with a smile.
And while it may feel good in the moment, it’s not sustainable.

We can’t keep pretending that everything is okay when it’s not.
We can’t keep suppressing our emotions and expecting them to disappear.
They won’t. They’ll just fester and grow until they become too big to ignore.

So let’s stop pretending. Let’s stop putting on a brave face and pretending that everything is okay. Let’s acknowledge our true emotions and work through them.
Let’s be real with ourselves and each other.
That’s the only way we’ll ever find true happiness and peace.”

✍️ Lori Deschene

Wait for someone kind. 🌱Wait for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things ar...

Wait for someone kind. 🌱
Wait for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things are bright and beautiful, but also when things get hard. Wait for someone who respects your boundaries and does not force you to do things that you’re not willing or ready to do.

Wait for someone who is giving and does not keep count of the good things they do for you.

Wait for someone who challenges you mentally. Someone who inspires you to be a better person.

Wait for someone who takes their time to learn and understand you.

Wait for someone who is consistent with their efforts in showing you how much they care about you.

Wait for someone who wants to be part of your world, and wants you to be part of theirs.

Wait for someone who lets you know you’re on their mind, someone who checks in on you, someone who wants you to know that they care for you.

Wait for someone who is willing to commit to you, someone who is willing to choose you.

Wait for someone who makes love feel easy, calm. Like coming home.

Wait for someone sincere. Someone who doesn’t confuse you because their actions match their words. Wait for someone honest.

Wait for someone who does their absolute best to not hurt you, someone who strives to protect your heart.

Wait for someone who will choose you over and over and over again. Love is a choice you make every single day. You deserve to find the kind of person who shows up for what you share, someone who believes in it.

Wait for someone who’s not perfect, but rather, real. Perfect is an illusion. Real is where you find something rare and special.

Wait for someone who reminds you that love was always meant to be soft. 🌱


91 Brookview Lane
Sanatoga, PA


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