‼️THANK YOU‼️On behalf of the members of Millheim Harmonie Verein Hall - Millheim, TX, thank you for the wonderful support so that we can continue to have our annual BBQ celebration. From the meat prepping crew, the night cook crew, the day cook crew, the meat cutters, the to-go plates crew, the gravy crew, over 1150 plates SOLD! 🤯 Along with the dessert table & cake walk workers, we literally could not do this without working together.
The parking lots, every seat inside the hall, as well as every table outside was FULL! We are so GRATEFUL for the community support. ❤️
Thank you as always for Mark Switzer from Switzer Land & Auction Services for donating his time for our auction. A shout out to M & M Disposal for their generous donation of a dumpster. So many businesses to name around the area for their wonderful auction item donations.
Thank you to Snowstorm Shaved Ice for the yummy treats to cool down in the TX summer heat! 🍧😋
A huge shout out to the Millheim 4H Club - Millheim, Texas 🍀for all of their hard work helping with the trash pickup and showing the auction items. Along with running the plates to go to the drive-thru.
As was the day - FULL of love & laughter! We are already preparing for next year. What a wonderful Father’s Day! 💙 Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.