ETC designs

ETC designs ETC DESIGNS is owned & operated by Emily Tomoye Carey. ETC DESIGNS collaborates with you to design your life by intuition. Slow down to tune in

Through rituals & routines, peel back the layers to find your authentic truth to live a more purposeful life.

Time to get ready and make some New Moon magick this season… tickets on sale Soul Rituals! We will be working with your ...

Time to get ready and make some New Moon magick this season… tickets on sale Soul Rituals!
We will be working with your natal chart, planting seeds and setting intentions to prep for Leo season, Venus retrograde and the nodes of fate changing signs.
So excited to see you and co-create 🌑🌌✨

Nothing better than making magick on the Full moon in Aries… channel your inner witch! 🧙🏽‍♀️🐍♾✨

Nothing better than making magick on the Full moon in Aries… channel your inner witch! 🧙🏽‍♀️🐍♾✨

Spooky season is upon us ✨🖤✨

Hair/Set design:
Models: .riane .sachdev

Happy Thursday!!! Breathwork has been key in activating downloads.... at New and Full Moons I gather with the sisterhood...

Happy Thursday!!!
Breathwork has been key in activating downloads.... at New and Full Moons I gather with the sisterhood and Sand Symes . Through breath, music and intention I have moved through many seasons while gaining deeper access to my intuition and gifts.
Meditation was a key piece to my yoga practice that I resisted for a long time... the past few years, I learned to lean into the places that held resistance.
Blog is up....
podcast coming soon as we continue to evolve and slow down!!

I remember being a little girl and staring up at the moon on Darby Road in Sebastopol in disbelief that there was a man in the moon. The days and nights were filled with many memories of exploring and experiencing nature while learning to craft with the various elements. I remember always admiring t...

Being a wedding florist and having seasonal work, you learn how to hustle, how to harvest and store your nuts to get thr...

Being a wedding florist and having seasonal work, you learn how to hustle, how to harvest and store your nuts to get through the winter. Last year, I knew I needed to create in new ways so I stepped out scared sh*tless and tried something new. I needed plants to stay connected to source.
I had two jobs opportunities: one was a farmers market manager in San Francisco and the other customer service and gift shop at a local garden center. Something about that garden center, spoke to my soul, so I took a chance. And it has opened so many doors for me and has continued to allow me to live in the moment, launch our website and pivot in new ways because good athletes adjust 😜💪🏽 I cried my eyes out on my first day and I remember Todd saying you don’t have to do this, I felt like I was walking away from my floral business and failing not realizing I was learning to fly♾📿✨

Happy Venus day! Friday the 13th has always been a favorite of mine 🥰

Happy Venus day! Friday the 13th has always been a favorite of mine 🥰

☆ Friday 13th, August 2021 ☆

The Spiritual Significance of
Friday the 13th

Is there something to fear on Friday the 13th?

For years people have been telling us Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Horror movies have been named after this day and research also tells us that there is an increase of accidents on Friday the 13th. But, where did all of this come from?

Before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.

Friday the 13th was considered a very powerful day to manifest, honor creativity and to celebrate beauty, wisdom and nourishment of the soul.

Friday is Venus Day and we all know that Venus is the epitome of feminine energy.

Her energy joins us at the end of the week to honour the days gone by and to remind us that it is important to rest, relax and play.

As a society, we all look forward to Friday (Venus day), and we all naturally find ourselves unwinding and relaxing in her comforting energy.

Friday is the perfect day to embrace Venus like energy and to focus on creativity, beauty and sensuality.

Venus energy also encourages us to tune into our receptive female energy in order to stimulate our creativity and bring art, music and healing into the world.

The Number 13 also holds an extremely potent feminine energy and is considered to be the number of death and rebirth, creation, fertility and blood.

This is because we have 13 Moon cycles every year and the average female also experiences 13 periods per year.

If a woman’s periods are in sync with the cycle of the Moon, she will shed her lining on the New Moon and ovulate on the Full Moon.

On average the 13th falls in the middle of the Moon cycle and represents that midway point between death and rebirth. The midway point between the New Moon, where a woman is shedding (the death) and the Full Moon, where the woman is ovulating (rebirth).

Long ago, when a woman was bleeding she was considered to embody divine and magical powers. She was regarded by all for her wisdom and ability to offer intuitive and psychic messages.

When she was ovulating, she was considered to be at the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, hold and create new life.

It was only when society became more patriarchal that women were made to feel shamed when they were having their periods and to ignore their amazing potential to create and hold space for new life.

This attitude has helped to contribute to the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.

The lunar calendar is also made up of 13 months, which further supports 13 as holding feminine power.

The Moon is also representative of feminine energy and helps us to understand and deal with our emotions and sensitivities.

In the astrology chart, the Moon not only governs our emotions but also our potential and how we choose to express ourselves through life. In fact, for many people understanding their Moon sign can often help to bring more awareness than their Sun sign.

Bringing Friday and the number 13 together, you can see that Friday the 13th is in fact, a very powerful day for feminine energy and creativity.

It is also an extremely powerful time of death and rebirth as it represents that mid-point in the cycle between something new emerging and something old slipping away.

Friday the 13th has often been held in high regards by women and the pagan community, and many rituals and spells are often conducted on this day in order to make the most of this beautiful energy.

This has also helped to contribute to the fear surrounding Friday the 13th, as it was an important day for many who worshipped the cycles of nature.

We all have feminine energy in us, so Friday the 13th is not just for women. It is a day for all of us to honour or own abilities to create and receive energy from the world around us.

Friday the 13th is not an unlucky day. Friday the 13th is the day of the Goddess and is a beautiful day for creating and celebrating life. It is a beautiful day for getting in tune with your emotions and sensitivities and giving thanks to the beautiful Goddess that lives in us all.

Article by and reposted via
Forever Conscious
Artwork by Joseph Tomanek

8/8/2021 a powerful portal to work with this weekend 💕✨ Spend some intentional time with yourself this weekend and recog...

8/8/2021 a powerful portal to work with this weekend 💕✨
Spend some intentional time with yourself this weekend and recognize your feelings.
Where do you have tension in your body? Breathe into that area of your body and release the tension, imagine a golden light radiating from that place in your body 🧘🏽‍♀️🔥📿

Lion’s Gate: This Ancient Egyptian Star-Aligning Event is Opening August 8th ☆

For thousands of years, this time of year has been told to hold a huge influx of energy that comes through around August eighth of each year. This portal has been called the infinity portal or the Lion’s Gate, an energetic activation of the numbers 8/8, August: eighth month, in the sign of Leo the lion, on the eighth day of the year.

The Month of the Lion

Right now we are in the astrological sign of Leo and this lion is a natural leader when all aspects are balanced. When the Leo is in it’s center and balanced it expands not only a quiet and powerful confidence like that of a Lion but also a generous and magnanimous heart.

The planet that is also linked to Leo is the Sun and the Sun is starting to go into it’s accelerated ignition. Scientist Nassim Haramein talks about his theory about the true meaning of the Mayan calendar’s 2012 event actually being the completion of a solar cycle that takes hundreds of thousands of years come full circle.

All of the universe mirrors itself and at the center of our galaxy is a completely potent cosmic radiation filled black hole, every couple of hundreds of thousands of years the Mayan’s predicted that our Sun would hit this belt that would re-activate and enliven the Sun to become more potent. This is just the beginning of starting the cosmic fire which is going to lead to a mirror of igniting our inner cosmic light.

The Solar Plexus

Just like the Sun is the center of our solar system that provides energy to all of the beings on the planet. We too mirror this property with an inner Sun located at our Solar Plexus where the diaphragm is located. This is the energy center that progresses us through self empowerment, through divine sovereignty. Okay, what does that mean?

This is the type of energy for example you see as a quiet confidence, kind of like that special person that can walk into a room and alleyes are on them! Not a word was said with their entrance, their energy did all of the expansion to touch and ignite everyone in the room, to unconsciously unify the whole!

So where is this energy center located and how do you connect with it? Have you ever noticed your breath follows your emotions, thoughts or current energetic state?

That is because thoughts and emotions are energy, they are electric impulses always informing your entire body! This relationship between body and mind is kind of like gasoline being put into a car to move forward.

Your thoughts and emotions would be the gasoline and throttle controlling the energy supply for motion, while your diaphragm, that which controls your breathing would be the engine, the propellor.

The opposite of being empowered with an ignited solar plexus energy is that feeling of being hit in the stomach or butterflies as you enter a room or around another being. It is important to connect deeply to this center because it is your internal alarm. Are you holding tension in your belly? If so, you are feeling unsafe within yourself or the circumstance, not allowing you to be in your natural radiant power!

A great way to start connecting with your power center is creating quite yet intention connection to this center through creative expression or relaxing meditation during this time period specially to download and reawaken your energy center and life’s purpose. Once you awaken the rise and fall, the stoking of your inner fire, the rest will come naturally.

The Star Lineage linking to Sirius

In Ancient Egypt, Sirius rising in the sky represented the time the Nile River would rise to nourish all of the land for the crops to grow and prosper, a time of abundance! Sirius was the brightest star, therefore it reflected the most light and was the most powerful.

According to the ancient Egyptians, there was a special link between Sirius and the Earth when they were at their closest distance. The legend says that more universal light was being reflected from Sirius upon the Earth the most at this time of year.

This link was found to be most powerful during the “Dog Days” of August as they have been nicknamed because Sirius is known as the Dog Star. This constellation located in the skies most prominently with the time of Leo which run from July 23rd to August 23rd. Some consider the constellation to peak out as late as September 8th.

The Blue or Dog Star, Sirius starts becoming visible and rise with Orion’s belt to align with the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx to activate the Leo Lion’s Gate possibly giving us access to the knowledge of the Golden Age of Consciousness.

The Number 8 Structure

The number eight in numerology represents abundance, prosperity and inner wisdom, it is also karma. The number eight holds the same geometric shape as our DNA structure, the storehouse of not only our ancestors lifetime information but the current codes from how we are choosing to live everyday!

The most important thing to be aware of at this time is your emotions and thought patterns. Your thoughts and emotions are waves of energy, so much so, that they can be mapped with electrodes by neuroscientist.

Although we can not see our thoughts or feelings immediately in physical form, they are infintescently tiny forms of physical reality. For example, hormones are the physical forms of the etheric realm. What you are observing or choosing to perceive streams into your mind and your body responds by producing chemicals that conduct your physical actions.

Your emotions are vibrations, they are physical informants as hormones that direct your cells to either keep creating healthy cells or to mutate into disease like cancer. Stress whether it be physical, chemical or emotional stress interferes with your natural healing processes, this is integral down to the level of your DNA.

This is a time to slow down and look at how you can help purify the expression of your genes but also to cleanse your karma. This is a time spiritually to focus on what agreement you have made in this life, what beliefs from your parents you may have taken on and also the unconscious storylines that you may be living out from the past lives of your ancestors.

So What Next?

Our society is beginning to shift in major ways we have never seen before. Scandals and hidden agendas within governments and people in power have been pouring into the public eye, forcing an awakening and awareness in the people.

Information about the suppression of the human spirit through environmental and health toxins on our planet finally being revealed with Cancer and diseases like autoimmune are on the rise! The Earth is shifting from apparent polarities as our poles are starting to slowly shift as we speak. This is all mirroring this new “wave” of consciousness and shift throughout of universe. I have heard so many talk about the feeling that we are living in the times of the end of days.

You know what I think?

This is the end of the days as we knew them, this is just the beginning of the end of the Dark Ages of consciousness and beginning of the coming of a New Age, the rise of a New Earth.

This New Earth starts with people, with you, igniting your own sovereignty as an independent being yet integrated in the collective, free of any other person or institution ruling over a self guided intuition!

The key is to start a practice to wash away stress of the outside world and activate the truest guidance center within you. You are the healing on the planet. We are the ones we have been waiting for and if you have always felt like you don’t fit in on this planet, it is now time to ignite that unique frequency code within to enliven your healing center to fulfill it’s purpose on this planet!

article reposted via


What is coming up for you this Wednesday? ✨

In September, I leaned in and got a 9-5 job to fill my cup of the garden and plants.. I knew I didn’t want to go back to...

In September, I leaned in and got a 9-5 job to fill my cup of the garden and plants.. I knew I didn’t want to go back to the wedding world and needed new ways to create magick!
My daily rituals and routines that I cultivated over the years lead to this alignment and remind me that if I am ever feeling off.. I know what I need to do to root down to rise.
Can’t wait to celebrate summer solstice and the new season ahead 💕✨

Finishing a few final details on the website and we are so excited to share all our gifts with you!!! Watch out, we are ...

Finishing a few final details on the website and we are so excited to share all our gifts with you!!!
Watch out, we are coming to create some big magick in 2021✨ ETC DESIGNS- design your life by intuition 🔮

✨the evolution of self: to keep peeling back the layers, healing, growing and blooming where you are planted 🌱🌻✨I have b...

✨the evolution of self: to keep peeling back the layers, healing, growing and blooming where you are planted 🌱🌻
✨I have been intentionally slowing down to revamp my website and share my gifts in new ways!🔮 ✨


Yesterday a special delivery came ✨ a little Salvarae to root down to rise this spring 🌱 private message me if you would like more information or would like to try some samples 💕

Design your life by intuition 🌌 I am so excited to announce I am finally revamping the website to align with my soul pur...

Design your life by intuition 🌌 I am so excited to announce I am finally revamping the website to align with my soul purpose. Connect back to your source and deep dive into the darkness so you can see the stars ✨


Happy Saturday!! Let’s talk about intuition 💕✨

Spent time in the mountains this weekend and refilled our cups and celebrated our birthdays!! The mountains have been a ...

Spent time in the mountains this weekend and refilled our cups and celebrated our birthdays!! The mountains have been a place for us to come and connect as a family, to try new adventures and just be in the moment..

After having Talia life changed.. I loved working in the events industry and I had also dreamed of the moment I would become a mom.
Summers became my busy season and I fell into the flow of producing events.
It filled my cup for many years and allowed me to be able to be an aunt who got to assist to raise her nieces, walk her parents home and build a business to support my family and for that I am forever grateful!!
These past few years, I have felt a pull. I didn’t know where it would lead me and I just kept trying to be patient and lean in...

ETC DESIGNS is still me.. it is all the things that have lead me to this point!
To be able to truly see my gifts and share them with others without apology. 💕✨🧘🏽‍♀️📿🌌🧿🤸🏽‍♂️🛼🌘🔮🐍🌱

Before 2017, I began pondering how to pivot my business. My life and values were changing and I was struggling to make i...

Before 2017, I began pondering how to pivot my business. My life and values were changing and I was struggling to make it all come together.. I have been patiently waiting for this alignment and putting in the work. And on the brink on my 40th bday it is almost time to make the announcement. Stay tuned....

It is giveaway time!! We have partnered with 28 amazing vendors and have some fantastic items to wine.. Follow the direc...

It is giveaway time!! We have partnered with 28 amazing vendors and have some fantastic items to wine.. Follow the directions below for a chance rig win!

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2) ғollow



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3) тag yoιr ғrιendѕ

4) repoѕт and υѕe тнe нaѕнтag

тoтal valυe $1400+
Apparel, artisan products, fine jewelry, beauty services, spa packages, Heath classes, gift cards and more...

Who is ready for Sunday funday??!!! We can't wait to see you & provide some Christmas joy for the Laos family.Hop on ove...

Who is ready for Sunday funday??!!! We can't wait to see you & provide some Christmas joy for the Laos family.
Hop on over to the page Sonoma Strong & check out the silent auction items. You aren't going to want to miss out, there are so many amazing items to spoil yourself or others with!

Come check us out at the Barlow with HEAD WEST today! 11-5pm various makers, merchants & Mavericks 🌅

Come check us out at the Barlow with HEAD WEST today! 11-5pm various makers, merchants & Mavericks 🌅


By Appointment Only
Sebastopol, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 4pm
Tuesday 12pm - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 4pm


(707) 495-7239


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