Talk about a busy and stressful couple of days... but we're doing okay! We hope all of our past and booked guests are safe and doing well after the storm also, and wanted to provide you with an update on Twin Oaks Farm & Vineyard. Thankfully, we pulled through the storm without any damage, and your booked dates are safe! We even successfully hosted a 120+ person wedding today and, while it was a little warm due to the power outage, we were able to get the water running, and it turned out just lovely.
We also want to help anyone booked at another venue that sustained damage and cannot host over the next few months. We have a few openings coming up, and are announcing a discount offering for any open dates now - 12/31/2024! Availability is limited and we are getting quite a number of inquiries so it could change quickly. Please reach out ASAP if interested. Depending on what you include in your booking, our discounts will range from 10 - 25%, with a little extra for anyone whose originally booked venue sustained damage and will not be available for the event.
Reach out on Messenger, at (912) 515-6696, or via www.twinoaksevents.com/contact today to take advantage of this discount!
And remember, Twin Oaks can host weddings, birthday parties, corporate gatherings, quinceaneras, and much more!