Gospel Music Explosion - West Coast (G.M.E.)

Gospel Music Explosion - West Coast (G.M.E.) Gospel Music Explosion (G.M.E.) West Coast

The Main Focus of this Gospel Music Explosion is to give God “ALL” the Glory, Honor and Praise; and To be a Blessing to others to further their Ministry for the Lord.



John wrote this letter to an ANONYMOUS Christian woman whose home was open for God’s people to meet for FELLOWSHIP and WORSHIP. The emphasis is on TRUTH and LOVE, and John points out THREE DANGERS believers MUST avoid.

KNOWING THE TRUTH BUT NOT PRACTICING IT (1–6). We must WALK in TRUTH and WALK ACCORDING to His COMMANDMENTS. The Word of God is meant for DOING and Not just KNOWING. “If we say” (1 John 1:6, 8, 10) but do not obey, we are hypocrites.

PRACTICING TRUTH BUT NOT DEFENDING IT (7–8, 10–11). The enemy is BUSY, and we must OPPOSE him. Love must be BALANCED by TRUTH (Eph. 4:15), or you will start supporting lies in the name of love (Phil. 1:9–11). It is easy to LOSE what you have GAINED by making FRIENDS with the WRONG PEOPLE.

GOING BEYOND THE TRUTH (9). The word TRANSGRESS means “To Go Beyond.” When you go BEYOND God’s Word, you are going TOO FAR. It is not PROGRESS but REGRESS. Beware anybody who has something to ADD to your Bible.


1 JOHN 4
Love is EVIDENCE of SALVATION. If you are BORN of God through faith in Jesus Christ, you have His nature within (2 Pet. 1:4). Since “God is love” (vv. 8, 16), His CHILDREN who have His NATURE should also MANIFEST His LOVE. The children should be LIKE the Father!

Our LOVE for others makes God’s Love REAL and VISIBLE to them (v. 12) so we can better WITNESS to them about Christ. It also makes God REAL and PERSONAL to Us. Merely reading in the Bible about God’s love is not enough. Seek to EXPERIENCE that LOVE in your heart by sharing it with others.

Just as Truth is VICTORIOUS over Lies (vv. 1–6), Love is VICTORIOUS over Fear (vv. 17–19). As you mature in your love for God, you realize that you have nothing to fear, for your Father has EVERYTHING under control. You trust those you love, and faith and love will give victory over fear.


1 JOHN 2

In Jesus Christ, you have AN ADVOCATE (vv. 1–2), representing you before God’s throne (Zech. 3). When you sin, CONFESS it to Him, and receive His faithful forgiveness.

In Him, you also have AN EXAMPLE (vv. 3–6), and you should “WALK JUST AS HE WALKED.” Ask the indwelling Holy Spirit to make you more like Jesus Christ, and saturate yourself with His life as you read the Gospels.

From Jesus Christ, you have A COMMANDMENT (vv. 7–11) to LOVE God’s people. The Father gave this COMMANDMENT to Israel (Lev. 19:18) and the Son to His disciples (John 13:34), and the Spirit enables us to obey it (Rom. 5:5).

Because of Jesus Christ, you have A FAMILY (vv. 12–14). The members are at different stages of Spiritual Development, but ALL can receive the Word and grow. How wonderful it is when the “Little Children” become young men and then fathers!

You also have SOME ENEMIES (vv. 15–27), the WORLD and the FALSE TEACHERS. Christians who LOVE the WORLD lose the enjoyment of the Father’s love and the desire to do His will. We OVERCOME the world with God’s love and the liars with God’s truth (vv. 24–27).

You have A WONDERFUL HOPE (vv. 28–29), the coming of Jesus Christ. ABIDE in Him so you will Not Be Ashamed When He Comes.


1 JOHN 1

God wants you to have a LIVING FELLOWSHIP (vv. 1–3) with Him and His children. In Jesus Christ, He has revealed what true life really is. Even though you cannot see Him and touch Him as the apostles did centuries ago, He can still be real to you as His Holy Spirit opens the Word to your heart.

He wants you to have a JOYFUL FELLOWSHIP (v. 4). It is not the fellowship of a slave with a master but that of a child with a parent. God delights in His children (Ps. 18:19) and longs to share His love with them (John 14:19–24). When you are happy in the will of God, you are ready to live for Him and serve Him.

He wants you to have a HONEST FELLOWSHIP (vv. 5–10). This means “Walking In The Light” and dealing honestly with sin. Salvation is a matter of life or death, but fellowship is a matter of light or darkness. If you lie to God, to others, and to yourselves, you will lose your fellowship with God and your character. A godly character does not develop in the darkness.



How Do You Respond To The Promise Of The Lord’s Return? John’s Last Chapter Can Help You Take INVENTORY.

Are You TREASURING His Word And OBEYING IT (V. 7)? This Is His Message To You (V. 16), And It Must Not Be ALTERED (Vv. 18–19). There Is A SPECIAL BLESSING For The OBEDIENT (V. 14).

Are You DOING The WORK He Has CALLED You To DO (V. 12)? He Promises To REWARD Faithful Servants (Luke 12:35–48).

Do You Really WANT Jesus To RETURN Today (V. 20)? Do You “Love His Appearing” (2 Tim. 4:8)? If Jesus Were To Come Today, Would You Be DISAPPOINTED And Your Plans Be UPSET?

Are You URGING Lost Sinners To Trust Him And Be Ready For His Coming (V. 17)? The Holy Spirit Works Through The Church To Bring LOST People To The SAVIOR. The People Described In 21:8 And 22:11 Can Be Saved (1 Cor. 6:9–11) And Become NEW CREATURES Ready For The New Heaven And Earth (2 Cor. 5:17). Will You Tell Them?



For those who believe in Jesus Christ, the future means “ALL THINGS NEW” (v. 5); but for those who REJECT Him, it means the same Old Sins for ALL eternity (vv. 8, 27; 22:11, 15).

Human history begins with a GARDEN (Gen. 2:8–17) and ends with a city that is like a garden. However, the most important thing about The Heavenly City is not the absence of SIN but the presence of God in all His GLORY (vv. 3, 11, 23), for His presence makes “ALL THINGS NEW.”

He is the temple (v. 22) and the light (v. 23); and His presence means there is NO MORE Sin, Pain, Death, Sorrow, or Crying (v. 4), and No More Curse (22:3; Gen. 3:9–19). Heaven is so wonderful that the only way John can describe it is to tell us what will not be there! Its BEAUTIES and BLESSINGS are beyond human words to describe or explain.

Why did Jesus give John this preview of Eternal Glory? To encourage His people who go through testing and persecution. “I Go To Prepare A Place For You” (John 14:1–6) is the BEST MEDICINE for A Broken Heart and the BEST FOUNDATION for Wavering Feet.




THE LOST THRONE (1–3, 7–10). Since Satan’s REBELLION (Isa. 14:12–15), God has permitted him to work on this earth, but He has always kept him in control (Job 1–2). Satan will EXCHANGE his THRONE for a Bottomless Pit, and his final destiny will be THE LAKE OF FIRE where he will spend eternity with the BEAST and THE FALSE PROPHET (v. 10; 19:20)—and with those who choose to follow Satan INSTEAD of Jesus Christ (Matt. 25:41).

THE KINGDOM THRONES (4–6). The First Resurrection takes place before Jesus ushers in His kingdom and involves only those who have TRUSTED Christ (John 5:24–29; 1 Thess. 4:13–18). They will reign with Him (Matt. 19:28) and have responsibilities commensurate with their FAITHFUL SERVICE while living on earth (Matt. 25:14–30).

THE GREAT WHITE THRONE (11–15). This judgment involves only the lost and follows THE SECOND RESURRECTION, the resurrection to condemnation. Sinners who REJECTED Christ will face Him (John 5:22) and hear Him say, “DEPART FROM ME!” (Matt. 7:23; 25:41). This solemn scene ought to move us to pray for the lost and witness to them, and thank the Lord for His grace in saving us!



CELEBRATION (1–6). Sinners cry “Alas!” but saints shout “HALLELUJAH!” at the fall of the godless world system called Babylon. Sin has been judged, God’s servants have been vindicated, God has been glorified, and Christ is about to usher in His kingdom. Even as you anticipate these victories, by faith you can shout “HALLELUJAH!”

PROCLAMATION (7–10, 17–21). Two contrasting suppers are named in this chapter: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (v. 9), which brings BLESSING, and the “Supper of The Great God” (vv. 17–21), which brings JUDGMENT. The bride makes herself ready at the judgment seat of Christ where her “Spots and Wrinkles” are taken away (Eph. 5:25–27) and she receives rewards for FAITHFUL SERVICE. In contrast, the godless armies of earth are DEFEATED by the Lord and become food for the birds. This is the battle of Armageddon mentioned in Revelation 16:16.

REVELATION (11–16). The conquering Christ comes with His armies and defeats ALL His enemies! Contrast this with His ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Matt. 21:1–11), and review the Father’s promises in Psalm 2. Also contrast it with the ride of the Antichrist (6:1–2). It encourages us to know that our Savior is TODAY King of kings and Lord of lords, and that the future is secure because He is reigning.



John used AGRICULTURAL IMAGES to tell us that the time was RIPE for JUDGMENT.

FIRSTFRUITS (1–5). God takes the BEST for Himself before the harvest begins. We met the 144,000 in chapter 7, God’s Sealed Servants who come through the Tribulation and sing the praises of the Lamb. The description in verse 4 should be taken in A Spiritual Sense (Not Defiled), they did not commit fornication by worshiping the Beast or his image (Exod. 34:15; James 4:4).

WINE (6–13). The “CUP OF WRATH” is an image borrowed from Jeremiah 25:15ff. God pours out His WRATH on those who FOLLOW the Beast and REJECT God’s TRUTH. Although verse 13 may be applied to all believers who die, it will have a special meaning to the martyrs of that evil day.

REAPING (14–20). God is ALLOWING The Seeds Of Sin to grow and produce a harvest (vv. 14–16). One day, the world will REAP what it has SOWN. John also uses The Grape Harvest to illustrate the coming JUDGMENT (vv. 17–20). The “VINE OF THE EARTH” is Ripening, and one day God will apply the Sickle. Meanwhile, the branches in The True Vine (John 15:1–8) should be bearing more and more fruit.



The MURDERER (1–6). The Child is Jesus Christ, and the woman represents Israel who brought the Savior into the world. The DRAGON is Satan who tried to keep Jesus from being born and attempted to kill Him after He was born. Satan wants to RULE this world, and he will NOT SUBMIT to the King (v. 5; Ps. 2:9).

The DECEIVER (7–9). This is a picture of The Fall of Satan (Isa. 14:12–17). He was able to DECEIVE One-Third of the Angels into following him (v. 4), and now he DECEIVES the world into WORSHIPING him.

The ACCUSER (10–12). Satan has access to God’s throne where he accuses God’s people (Job 1–2; Zech. 3). The Lamb OVERCOMES him because of His VICTORY at Calvary (Rom. 8:31–34; 1 John 2:1–2) and because of the POWER of the WORD (Eph. 6:17).

The PERSECUTOR (13–17). The war may be over in HEAVEN, but it is getting More INTENSE here on Earth. Satan is angry and seeks to destroy the Jews and make war with ANYONE who TRUSTS the Lord. God is able to SHELTER His people in spite of Satan’s attacks, but be sure you WEAR the Armor (Eph. 6:10–18) and TRUST The Blood of Jesus.




THE VOICE OF THE THUNDERS (1–4). We do not know what the ANGEL shouted or what THE SEVEN THUNDERS uttered (Ps. 29). God has given sufficient truth in His Word for salvation and godly living, so we must not crave to know the hidden things (Deut. 29:29). The purpose of Scripture is to SAVE Sinners and Sanctify Character, not satisfy curiosity.

THE VOICE OF THE ANGEL (5–7). The ANGEL said, “THERE WILL BE DELAY NO LONGER!” What joy this statement will bring to the martyrs (and others) who ask, “HOW LONG?” (6:9–11). God has His times (Eccles. 3:1–8) and will accomplish His purposes on schedule. Our responsibility is to be faithful and not curious (Acts 1:6–8).

THE VOICE OF THE APOSTLE (8–11). God still needed John to DECLARE His MESSAGE to the People. No angel could take HIS place. But to share God’s MESSAGE, we must TAKE the WORD, RECEIVE it INWARDLY like FOOD, and let it become part of us (Jer. 15:16; Ezek. 3:1–11; 1 Thess. 2:13). The Word is SWEET when you READ IT (Ps. 119:103) but BITTER when it goes deeper and you DIGEST IT.




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