Thank you to everyone who reached out so quickly to donate 🩷 To name a few We are so very thankful for your generosity. I am currently collecting items for and Who both lost their homes in the fires 😔 Both of these women also lost all their balloon business supplies and stock. On top of finding a new home and rebuilding their lives, the stress of also having to replace their entire inventory must be incredibly overwhelming. Let’s help take a little stress off their plates and help replace the items lost 🩷 The link to the Amazon wish list is in my bio. Some of you have reached out to donate larger items like backdrops etc, and once we have a clear view of what they need I will definitely be collecting those, too. This community is so amazing and incredibly generous 🙏🏻🩷 Also, if you or any other balloon artist has lost supplies in the fires please let me know so we can try to help them as well! Lots of love - Melody