Celebrating World Princess Week with the one who started it all—Snow White! 🍎✨ It was a dream come true working with the @theoppenheimgroup. Thank you for having us!❤️ #worldprincessweek #snowwhite #lakearrowhead #princessparty #events #dreams #whistlewhileyouwork #snowwhiteandthesevendwarfs #socalmoms #partycharacters #kidsentertainment #snowwhiteparty #fairytale #princesscore #realestate www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com [email protected] Call/Text 213-944-0872
Life is sweeter and more magical when dreams come true. Come join us for a Minnie Mouse celebration that’s filled with love, laughter, and a sprinkle of Disney magic! 🎀✨ #minniemouse #minniemouseparty #dreams #pinkpinkpink #kidsbirthdayparty #kidsentertainment #partycharacters #kidspartyideas #minniemousetheme #eventplanning #minniemousebirthday #fairytale #princessparties #socalmoms www.fairytalesandheroes.com [email protected] Call/Text 213-944-0872
Happy Birthday, Princess!❤️✨ Minnie Mouse had an amazing time celebrating with you! Thank you @armenian_childcare for capturing this adorable moment on video. We love making dreams come true! ✨ #birthdaymagic #minniemousebirthday #partycharacters #minniemouseparty #minniemousetheme #dreams #kidsentertainment #eventplanning #kidspartyideas #kidsbirthdayparty #minnie #princesspartyideas #happybirthdayprincess #fairytale #magical www.fairytalesandheroes.com [email protected] Call/Text 213-944-0872
An enchanting fairytale celebration 💗✨ Here’s a little sneak peek at the dreamy birthday festivities! Thank you so much for letting us be part of your magical day. May all your wishes come true, sweet princesses! 👑🌟 #fairytale #dreams #princessparty #magic #disneyprincesses #partycharacters #princesstheme #kidsbirthdayparty #princesspartyideas #kidsentertainment #socalmoms #inspire #princessbirthday #eventplanning #kidsbirthdayparty #characterentertainment www.fairytalesandheroes.com [email protected] Call/Text 213-944-0872
Sister love💗❄️✨ Do you love Frozen 1 or 2 better?
A little sneak peek of us enchanting @mia_odnovol special Encanto 5th Birthday!🦋💕✨ We love you princess and hope all your dreams come true! Thank you so much for having us!✨#encanto #familymadrigal #encantoparty #magical #princessparties #kidsparty #kidsentertainment #mirabelmadrigal #doloresmadrigal #isabelaandmirabel #events #eventplanning #kidsbirthdayideas #partycharacters #princessparty #princesspartyideas #socalmoms #malibu www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com. [email protected]. Call/Text 213-944-0872.
How we feel about how popular Encanto events are right now🦋😍 Yay we are so so excited! Book early to guarantee your date!💕✨ #mirabel #encanto #familymadrigal #partycharacters #encantoparty #encantotheme #mirabelmadrigal #dance #kidsentertainment #encantomovie #princessparties #socalmoms #kidspartyideas #fairytale #magical #dreams #eventplanning www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com. [email protected]. Call/Text 213-944-0872.
Our Easter Bunny has arrived!🥰💕✨ Who is excited for Spring Time?🌸 #easterbunny #easter #easterbasket #events #easterparty #easterbunny🐰 #socalmoms #ocmoms #kidsentertainment #dreams #partycharacters #fun #eastertime www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com. [email protected]. Call/Text 213-944-0872.
Sleeping Beauty had a magical time at @my_lil_town. 🥰💕✨ What a beautiful celebration! Thank you so much for having us! #events #sleepingbeauty #magic #princessparties #dreams #eventplanning #princesstheme #princessaurora #fairytale #socalmoms #ocmoms #kidsentertainment #kidsparties #princessparty #onceuponadream www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com. [email protected]. Call/Text 213-944-0872.
Yay! Our Silly Snowman got a makeover❄️✨He is now available for events. He loves attending events with his best friends Elsa and Anna. 👑💕 #olaf #frozen #olaffrozen #olafsfrozenadventure #frozenparty #dreams #magical #mascots #partycharacters #happiness #frozenbirthdayparty #frozentheme #inspire #socalmoms #events #frozen2 #doyouwanttobuildasnowman www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com. [email protected]. Call/Text 213-944-0872.
What a fun Maleficent themed birthday. Thank you so much for having us!🖤Our villains love to attend your celebrations as well. 😈🖤✨ #maleficent #maleficentmovie #maleficent2 #villainous #villain #disneyvillains #magical #mystical #partycharacters #dreams #fairytale #socalmoms #events #eventplanning #kidsentertainment #kidspartytheme #adultparties #disneymaleficent www.fairytalesandheroesentertainment.com. [email protected]. Call/Text 213-944-0872.