WhimZie Dupp

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You have entered this beautiful space- and your awakening is beginning- 💕What do you see?💕What do you hear? 💕What do you...

You have entered this beautiful space- and your awakening is beginning-

💕What do you see?
💕What do you hear?
💕What do you smell?
💕What do you feel?

Today is OUR day!!!!Whatever circumstances or situations that have been interfering with our personal growth, personal d...

Today is OUR day!!!!

Whatever circumstances or situations that have been interfering with our personal growth, personal development, personal finances, personal health, personal fitness, personal emotional needs- TODAY is our day for change.

What is your greatest desire for change on a personal level?

Did you know, that it takes14 days to change 1 habit? It is pretty incredible how deliberate and significant numbers operate. Just think about that a little bit.

13 cycles of Lunar, cannot be an accident. Even the Lunar Cycle, requires effort with change.

Select an object that you can wear. A ring, a watch, a necklace, bracelet, hair pin, hat- anything of your choosing. Cleanse it with sage by circling over the object 13 times counter clockwise, to signify what you are choosing to undo.

Place the object in your body and burn dragons blood or whatever you are drawn to.

Write down exactly what you want- 13 times, in honor of the 13 cycles of Lunar.

Meditate with deep breathing and visualize exactly what it is you are expecting for your greatest good and as you exhale your breath- speak it out, in the “I AM” mindset.

I AM strong
I AM healthy
I AM financially secure
I AM - identify the specific change you are expecting and ALLOWING for yourself.

Repeate this 13 times, in honor of the 13 cycles of the lunar.

Every day, for the next 13 days, wear the object and speak the words out loud as you place it on yourself. When our shaddow self begins to surface, this object will serve as a reminder, that the shadow no longer is welcome.

This is an essential part:
TELL our shadow self, who we are. We are no longer hostage to the hold it once had over us.

Consider this- when we have seen our shadows, often times, it is much larger than we are. Perhaps, that is our shaddow, “posing” as if it is greater than our light. When in truth, our light is much larger than our shadows.

Once we can begin to recognize the power our light has over our shadows, and we ALLOW our light to shine- our shadows will have limitations and will no longer hold an anchor on us.

I challenge us all to recognize our potential and accept what it is we have to offer, not only for our personal growth and self love, but once we can begin to ALLOW ourselves to ACCEPT what is intended for us, imagine the impact we will have - beyond our personal capabilities.

Today is OUR day.

And so it is!!!

Love ❤️ WhimZie

Those who know me, know that I absolutely have TWO brown thumbs. I have only manage to keep one plant alive for a couple...

Those who know me, know that I absolutely have TWO brown thumbs.

I have only manage to keep one plant alive for a couple of years, and it has grown quite large from when I was gifted her.

I honestly am quite proud of that accomplishment, more Than I can ever express.

I am becoming more interested in plants abd the natural healing remedies they offer. Please do not misunderstand me, this is not in any way a post to discourage people from following medical advice, but rather, a friendly reminder that nature has its remedies that have treated, healed and improved quality of life from many illnesses.

This year, I am interested in becoming even more mindful of what Mother Earth/nature has to offer- and am beginning to read, study, review and learn as much as I possibly can.

As I become more knowledgeable, I would like to start looking for plants while hiking and see how skilled I’ve become at recognizing and remembering what each of them provide for healthy living.

Goldenrod, is the first plant I’ve started to “dig deeper” into its natural remedies, and have leaRned that goldenrod is good for many symptoms such as allergies, stuffy nose, diegestian, cleansing the liver, UTI just to name a few.

You can drink it as a tea and add some honey

Have you ever used goldenrod for anything?
What did you use it for, abd did you experience the benefit of its natural remedies?
How did you prepare it?

Please feel free to include any information or recipes you may have, to help me increase my knowledge base ♥️

I have decided to create my own Flora Journal, and document what I’ve learned, how to prepare for it, and what my personal experience with it was.

Love ❤️ WhimZie

Thor God of Thunder.…who carries a magical hammer that only he can lift. This hammer is called a Mjollnir, which would r...

Thor God of Thunder.…who carries a magical hammer that only he can lift. This hammer is called a Mjollnir, which would return to him like a boomerang when he threw it into the sky.

Thor is also the god of lightning, storms, strength, and protection, protecting mankind.

Thor is from a realm of gods called Asgard and a realm of humans called Midgard. He rode a chariot that was pulled by two massive goats.

Because Thor is a Norse god, he is not considered a god in Greek mythology. He has become one of the most iconic Norse gods because of his iconic hammer and prominent status he possesses in Asgard.

Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios have helped tell Thor’s story through both the Thor and Avengers movies series.

In Iceland, they celebrate the Thorrabolt Festival, in which they gather together, feast, play games, tell stories and dance until late hours of the morning, honoring Thor.

One of the breads that would be prepared to feast with, called Icelandic Rye Bread (RĂşgbrauĂ°) often referred to as Thunder Bread, would take about 24 hours to bake- people would gather around the hot springs, dig a hole and place the ingredients together, cover with the sand and allow the earth to bake the bread.

This weekend, we can take the opportunity to share stories about Thor, do our own feasting, dance and bake the Thunder Bread together.

(I have included the recipe as a picture in the comments for your reference with this post). Please allow about 2.5 hours to prepare and bake the bread.

Most of all, take this weekend as an opportunity to not only educate, but enjoy time together and building new traditions that will be remembered for years to come.

Hail Thor, son of Odin, God of thunder and protector of Asgard.

Hammer to the North, hallowed and sacred ground. Hammer to the East, hallowed and sacred ground. Hammer to the South, hallowed and sacred ground. Hammer to the West, hallowed and sacred ground.


Love ❤️ WhimZie

Winter is here, but it is still an incredible time of year to get outside with our kiddos and enjoy the simplicity of na...

Winter is here, but it is still an incredible time of year to get outside with our kiddos and enjoy the simplicity of nature.

Take a walk outside and talk to your kids about the changes occurring with the trees. Remind them that right now, nature is having trees restore and regenerate - ask them questions that may spark their curiosity:

What do you think happened to the leaves?

Where do you think some of the birds have gone?

Pick up a branch, that has fallen to the ground and create a winter scene with your children.

Glue the branch to a piece of cardstock or use a cardboard box and repurpose it.

Paint snowflakes or a winter scene on the paper or inside the box and display it in your home -

Share a picture in the comments of you taking a winter walk with your family and what you created ♥️

Enjoy some time together that allows you to slow down and just be present in the moment.

Love ❤️ WhimZie

🎒 RUCKSACK Knapsack, backpack or luggage- regardless of what you may call it- what are your essentials, that you pack wh...


Knapsack, backpack or luggage- regardless of what you may call it- what are your essentials, that you pack when preparing for travel?

Essentials are most certainly different for each of us. I personally have a 5 piece luggage set, two over night bags and several reusable bags for all my “stuff”

Even still, regardless if I’m packing for a day trip, over night trip, weekend get away or long distance trip, I have my essentials packed and ready to go-so I quite literally only need to pack the specific clothes, shoes, undergarments, costumes, bling, or other pertinent items that are intended specifically for the trip.

Now, don’t get me wrong, in some cases, more often than not, I tend to be an over packer- just in case someone else needs something, or if I change my mind and need a few options 😂

Regardless of the destination, each of us have our very specific essentials, that, without question, we will pack - and in truth, those very essentials are the foundation that provides us with consistency, stability and peace of mind.

To be honest, if you were to come to my home and took a look inside any of my bags, you will see that my essentials are all ready packed and ready to go. I need only to pack the specifics needed for whichever destination I’m heading toward.

I wonder what would happen, if we each took as much care in our daily routines, day in-day out, lives, to have our essentials ready, without reservation so that all we would need to do, is focus on our daily specific needs.

Would the RUCKSACK of our life require the same essentials we require for a vacation? Would it require more or less?

I wonder, if the RUCKSACK of our life was packed and ready to go- would we somehow manage to relax more often, rest easier, feel less anxiety or stress?

RUCKSACK - knapsack, backpack or luggage- regardless of what we call it- what are our essentials we require for our daily life?

Do we require more or less “stuff” to maintain our day to day life?

I challenge each one of us, to consider what our essentials are and if our RUCKSACK isnt packed and ready to go, make that a priority and see what happens - do we have more time in our day to rest, relax, regroup and regain our focus of our life?

I wonder, what are our essentials packed in our 🎒 RUCKSACK?

I wonder…….

Love ❤️ WhimZie

WhimZie’s Word for the Day….CODDIWOMPLE- Now isn’t that a fun word to say? 😀 Let’s say it again….Have you ever just jump...

WhimZie’s Word for the Day….

CODDIWOMPLE- Now isn’t that a fun word to say? 😀 Let’s say it again….

Have you ever just jumped in your car and headed out- to destination “someplace” but without a specific plan?

If you have, please share your CODDIWOMPLE adventure with us. I would love to hear about it 💕

I have most certainly traveled to multiple places, but I cannot think of a single place that I traveled to that did not have some type of plan.

Within my traveling, some of it was specifically planned out with specific time lines and activities, but in some cases, we would Coddiwample, while we were “between” our pre arranged activities, and I can tell you, those specific memories still remain with me to this day.

One year, my BFF and I traveled to Texas together, where I was Auditioning for The Voice. We have a friend in Texas, and she graciously opened her home to us. Our time together was so much fun.

We explored a couple haunted hotels, went to the beach in the day time and evening time, the food we ate was incredible and the night before my audition, after spending the afternoon exploring the shops, we decided to go sing Kareoke.

Outside the door was a horse and buggy, whom I asked him if he knew where the kareoke bar was and could we get a ride-

He was such a sport, and agreed to take a group of gals to the Kareoke Bar. Into the buggy we went, and off we went- seeing the sights of the town, laughing and talking, and yep- you guessed it- we did a”little” bit of cat calling too 😂

By the time we reached the end of the block, our “Uber” Horse and Buggy ride, turned around and started heading back where we came from, stopping directly in front of the place he picked us up- on the opposite side of the street.

You can imagine the first initial confusion we all had, but truth be told, we had reached our destination.

We had arrived at the Kareoke Bar, and once we all realized that the kind man, just gave us cackling ladies a fun little trip down the street, to the end and up where we started, in truth, he not only provided us all an extremely fun evening- he gave up some of his time for 5 strangers, all to take is on a CODDIWOMPLE😍

After much laughter, in realizing what we had just done, we got out of the Buggy and headed inside, giggling and smiling from ear to ear, all because a stranger, chose to give up a little bit of his time, to allow us girls a night we will never forget.

The next day was the audition and we had to be up at 4:00 AM to head out.

My BFF joined me, and ended up staying in the vehicle after we had experienced standing in line together for HOURS, and reaching the area in the line that only ticket holders were allowed to continue on.

On our way home, we were chatting, laughing as we often do, and we decided we wanted coffee- only to drive in circles for nearly an hour, following the navigation instructions on our gps, and we could not find the coffee shop for the life of us.

By about the tenth circle around, we both burst into so much laughter, that I can still feel the laughter as I am writing this.

We did not get our coffee, and I did not get through to the second audition, BUT, that is the beauty of a CODDIWOMPLE.

While our initial intention for the trip was for one specific plan, we were able to enjoy so many more opportunities, laughter, time and friendship together.

Consider this:

To CODDIWOMPLE in our daily life, every day, with simply navigating ourselves on a day by day basis, just imagine the FANTASTIC adventures we all with encounter.

Please do not misunderstand me, as I am not saying to forget about planning and preparation. We still need our daily structure and plans.

In addition to our practical life circumstances, it is still absolutely, completely necessary that we all CODDIWOMPLE as well.

🎊 When is the last time you took a CODDIWOMPLE?
🎊When do you plan on doing a CODDIWOMPLE again?
🎊Will your CODDIWOMPLE be with a friend, family member or will you CODDIWOMPLE alone?

Most of all, by all means, enjoy yourself. Soak in the power of CODDIWOMPLE and savor it. It is in our most authentic moments that we can begin to find our own majick

Love ❤️ WhimZie

2023 - What a wonderful opportunity to embrace ALL THE GOOD it has in store for us. Winter is HERE, and in times of old,...

2023 - What a wonderful opportunity to embrace ALL THE GOOD it has in store for us.

Winter is HERE, and in times of old, this is the time that everyone would hunker down, and sustain theirselves on all the preparations made through the year.

Nature, also lives by this standard. We see it in the animals, storing food, gathering items to keep their homes warm, all in preparation to rest, and restore through the cold.

We see it in our landscapes, in trees, plants and flowers.

Everything in our life has purpose. We just need to begin to understand what the purpose is, and recognize which circumstances are intended for restoration, growth and what we are being taught.

In life, it’s not always going to be rose colored glasses, BUT, we can still choose how we handle the circumstances that come our way.

🌙 What triggers us, to lose focus on the positive changes and transformations we are intended for?

🌙 What are we doing, in this season of winter to rest, restore and revive our energy?

Many years ago, I was facing some personal struggles which were really impacting my self worth and personal value system.

One day, after experiencing a very extreme level of anxiety, while standing in Ross, trying to decide on which pair of socks I should buy myself.

It was after about 45 min of standing, looking and asking myself if I really should spend money on myself, I realized, in that moment that all my hard work had allowed me the comfortable situation that I could afford to buy brand new socks for myself, and even more.

I had been saving money for a couple of years, and managed to secure a little nest egg for emergencies or any need that may come up at the last min for my children.

I accepted the fact, that I did not need to feel guilty for allowing myself to treat myself to some new things, and I pulled nearly a shopping cart of socks off the wall and bought them for myself.

After that, I headed to Nordstrom’s (which prior to this moment, most of my clothing had been gifted to me from friends closets or purchased at thrift stores) and I purchased some more clothing- because I had earned it and I deserve the right to feel good about my accomplishments.

After that purchase, I headed to the costume jewelry store, and purchased the most ridiculous over the top ring, that fit on my right middle finger, and I decided in that moment, that I would wear that ring as a constant reminder to myself that what is behind me is no longer an option, and what is infront of me is my life.

Every moment I looked at that ring, I remembered I AM moving forward. NOT BACKWARDS.

Any time that those thoughts of self doubt, and unworthiness reoccurred, I would- you may have guessed it- givecmy mind the abrupt reminder that a middle finger can offer, and chose to tell my thoughts they no longer belong to me and are not valid and I would follow it up with thoughts of something good about myself instead.

To this day, years later, I still wear a ridiculously large ring, on my middle finger, and now I just smile- at the memory of moving forward and redirecting my mind to positive things.

While I realize it is not practical to buy a shopping cart of socks, and head on over to Nordstrom’s for some retail therapy on the regular, it IS however, essential, that we make the consistent effort on a daily basis to do something that will feed our energy in a positive way.

💕 Drink a cup of tea and enjoy a sunrise alone. Enjoy the beauty and solitude of the moment.

💕 Pour yourself a glass of wine, light some candles and soak in the tub.

💕 Walk barefoot on the grass and sit under a tree.

While these suggestions have been recommended many times, by others, it is because they offer much value and are necessary, in order for us to remain Ballanced.

Determine an object, that will help you be reminded that whichever negative energy you are struggling with, you will be able to reject it and replace it with something that is positive and for your own personal good.

Write down little “love notes” of good things about yourself, your accomplishments, your talents, whatever that brings you to your peace and happy place.

Put those “love notes” in a jar or basket, and when you are struggling, pull out a note and take in the energy of that reminder. Continue to read until you have rejected the negative.

Turn on your favorite music and dance the negative away.

What will you be doing to make the changes needed to stabilize your energy and balance this year?

Above all else, remember- you are worthy of everything that serves your highest good. You deserve to feel joy, happiness, peace, AND love.

Love ❤️ WhimZie

I want to thank everyone who has liked my page so far.  I’m just getting started on this page. And haven’t invited many ...

I want to thank everyone who has liked my page so far. I’m just getting started on this page. And haven’t invited many people here just yet- you are my chosen people ♥️

If you wouldn’t mind sharing any of my posts on your page, to help me with my algorithms and say hello on this post, I would appreciate your support.

Stay tuned- more fun things heading your way ♥️

To illuminate, by definition, is to make visible or bright, by shinning light.May the echo of our light reflect back for...

To illuminate, by definition, is to make visible or bright, by shinning light.
May the echo of our light reflect back for all to see and hear, ever so carefully, sewn into the frills of our life.

🌙 What embellishments are we echoing?
🌙 Which illumination do we need to enhance?

Bound together, our bedazzled, artistic frill should never be mistaken for weakness- but rather, we are adorned in lavish sequins, lace and pearls of honor and integrity … which is the strength of our majik

Love ❤️ WhimZie

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Welcome to our first day of 2023 🎊As we all know, this is that time in life, in which many of us be...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Welcome to our first day of 2023 🎊

As we all know, this is that time in life, in which many of us begin working on new goals for ourselves, focusing on getting back on track with things that have been stalled for one reason or another, purging and reorganizing our homes, among many other things.

We often approach the New Year as a time to refresh and renew.

🌙 What is it that you are focused on?
🌙 What is something that is of your greatest hearts desire?
🌙 What door or doors have you closed from 2022?
🌙 What door or doors have you opened for 2023?

Their are POWER in our words. Their is POWER in our thoughts -

We just need to believe in ourselves enough to KNOW that whatever it is that we are seeking, that will be of our highest good … is ALREADY ours!!!!!

We only need to accept it, receive it, put the action required toward it and CLAIM it.

Last year, I was realizing that living in an apartment, I was desperately missing elements of nature. So, I decided to create a space of my own, on my patio, that I could sit and reflect. I decided to create a space that I call my Faery Court.

I placed items in my space that had significance to me- wind chimes that were gifts from friends of the moon and stars, owls which remind me of my grandparents, the bench from my moms garden, a candle stand from our wedding, flowers and candles from my 50th birthday - arranged in the gold center pieces from our wedding (I have two brown thumbs, so these are silk flowers)

Rocks and sticks that I have collected over time from camping trips and the home we grew up in.

Bird bath from my sister in law, bird houses that my brother in law and son made for me.

Gradually, my vision for my space would grow, and while I didn’t have items that I wanted for the space, people would randomly gift me those pieces.

Faery houses and garden signs from my daughter for my birthday, a rod iron head board sitting on the side of the road for free, Ivy, twinkle lights and garden art from friends.

As I would visualize things, they were provided - and before I knew it, I had a space all to myself that I could enjoy with nature and I was ready to welcome the Fae into our new Faery Court.

Currently, I have had to take everything down to have exterior work done on our building, but, when that is complete, I will be creating the space again to enjoy.

Today, WhimZies Whispers are to remind us that whatever it is we seek, it’s already ours!!!!

Put post it notes on your bathroom mirror and refrigerator that remind yourself that it’s already yours.

Before you put your feet on the ground when you wake up, say out loud- it’s already mine.

When you walk out your door - KNOW it’s already yours. Be mindful when the simplest gestures are presented to you, that are helping to fulfill your vision- and here is the hard part…..accept it.

Accepting IS where the majik begins.

Claim it. Believe it. GO GET IT!!!!

Love ♥️ WhimZie

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Welcome to our first day of 2023 🎊As we all know, this is that time in life, in which many of us st...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Welcome to our first day of 2023 🎊

As we all know, this is that time in life, in which many of us start new goals for ourselves, focus on getting back on track with things that have been stalled for one reason or another, we purge and reorganize among other things. It’s a time to refresh and renew.

🌙 What is it that you are focused on?
🌙 What is something that is of your greatest hearts desire?
🌙 What door or doors have you closed from 2022?
🌙 What door or doors have you opened for 2023?

Their is POWER in our words. their is POWER in our thoughts -

We just need to believe in ourselves enough to KNOW that whatever it is that we are seeking, that will be of our highest good … is ALREADY ours!!!!!

We only need to accept it, receive it, put the action required toward it and CLAIM it.

Last year, I was realizing that living in an apartment, I was desperately missing elements of nature. So, I decided to create a space of my own, on my patio, that I could sit and reflect. I decided to create a space that I call my Faery Court.

I placed items in my space that had significance to me- wind chimes that were gifts from friends of the moon and stars, owls which remind me of my grandparents, the bench from my moms garden, a candle stand from our wedding, flowers and candles from my 50th birthday - arranged in the gold center pieces from our wedding (I have two brown thumbs, so these are silk flowers)

Rocks and sticks that I have collected over time from camping trips and the home we grew up in.

Bird bath from my sister in law, bird houses that my brother in law and son made me.

Gradually, my vision for my space would grow, and while I didn’t have itens that I wanted for the space, people would randomly gift me those pieces.

Faery houses and garden signs from my daughter for my birthday, a rod iron head board sitting on the side of the road for free, Ivy, twinkle lights and garden art from friends.

As I would visualize things, they were provided - and before you knew it, I had a space all to myself that I could enjoy with nature and ready to welcome the Fae.

Currently, I have had to take everything down to have exterior work done on our building, but, when that is complete, I will be creating the space again to enjoy.

I can remember very much wanting to create my own wand for the Faery Court, and I even found copper laying on the ground in our parking lot shortly after.

Today, WhimZies Whispers are to remind us that whatever it is we seek, it’s already ours!!!!

Put post it notes on your bathroom mirror and refrigerator that remind yourself that it’s already yours.

Before you put your feet on the ground when you wake up, say out loud- it’s already mine.

When you walk out your door - KNOW it’s already yours.

Claim it. Believe it. GO GET IT!!!!

Love ♥️ WhimZie

When you reach back into your “Child like” mind, time and space- what sense of Nostalgia do you find their? When was you...

When you reach back into your “Child like” mind, time and space- what sense of Nostalgia do you find their?

When was your last ”Child like” Adventure, and where did you go?

Prior to Covid, my daughter, sister in law and I took a trip to New Orleans.

In our 2 room Suite, we had this beautiful floor to ceiling sized Wardrobe- so naturally, I ”needed” to go to Narnia-

My daughter and I quickly opened the wardrobe door, removed the ironing board that had been carefully stored in it, and in we both went inside- closing the wardrobe door behind us.

We begin to giggle, and my daughter asks “well now what?” To which I reply “we wait!!”

We both stood as quiet and still as we could, grinning from ear to ear amongst anticipation and silence.

Please note, that the wardrobe did not have a “bottom” so while we stood inside, you could see our feet, tucked in, beneath our space of enchantment.

In the distance, we can hear my sister in law walking through our suite, calling out to us- looking for us, wondering around the suite, opening the door that lead to outside- closing the door and asking herself out-loud “where did they go” ?

My daughter and I stood inside, doing our best to contain our sheer glee.

Waiting. Holding our breath to keep our laughter contained.

My sister in law must have walked up and passed our wardrobe at least 3 times, looking and trying to find us, until finally, she opens the wardrobe door and exclaims with a snicker “what are you two doing in here?” to which we both giggle “Were going to Narnia!!!!”

My sister in law, without hesitation, begins climbing into the wardrobe with us and squeals “well I want to go to Narnia too” and closes the door behind us.

The belly laughter and abundance of joy we had - in our grown up, child like reversion of time, was nothing short of majik -

Let your day be one in which you look for the opportunity to find your Narnia- space of enchantment and stay whimsical.

Love ❤️ WhimZie








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