Hey yall,
Can I be real with you for a second?
As a business owner and a chef, I have become a TAD burnt out, I’m not gonna lie😅
Although I’m forever thankful for my amazing employees ; doing all the extra behind the scenes stuff nobody ever talks about is STRESSFUL.
Nobody shines light on the constant battle us owners have with our anxiety & stress.
Especially us ones that eat breathe and sleep our business.
We’re human. We’re all human.
All I ever want is to please each and every one of you, but STRESS and ANXIETY are REAL.
The stress of being slow,
The stress of wondering if you are giving your absolute best consistently every day to please others,
The stress of letting others down (matter it be friends, family or customers)
The stress of wondering why you aren’t as busy as you once were,
The stress of being able to keep up with other new hot food trucks/restaurants,
The stress of booking events,
The stress of all the paperwork,
The stress of failing equipment,
The stress of events not panning out the way you were anticipating,
The stress of it all,
It can really *eat* at you.
But also if your business doesn’t come with these side effects, (you may be doing some things wrong, maybe I care too much, idk)
LETS JUST BE REALISTIC. Being a successful food trucker isn’t just about pulling up somewhere and selling burgers, there has to be calculated decisions made, research is done, advertising is done, making sure you have help, making sure equipment doesn’t fail,
there is so much behind the scenes work just to get running & this is just the tip of the iceberg.
So I praise all my fellow food truckers and chefs for keeping up.
Life as an owner is not for the lighthearted. It’s truly not. Especially ones who strive to be the best each and every day and refuse to allow anything less. I will continue to strive to give my absolute best every day. I just need a minute to gather and collect.
I hope yall can understand. I’m one person. Ive been through quite a bit in this past year but I will never use it as an excuse.
I absolutely love what this business has created, I’m forever thankful for the amazing customers and people it has brought me in the past 4 years. This mini break is a much needed release as I plan on bringing yall my best season yet.
So, Please continue to book us for your events, as we are not going anywhere.
Yes I’m still gonna pop up at Tri city brewery on Wednesdays when weather allows but that’ll be about it till things warm up again.
NO I’m not going out of business, but at some point I figured this moment of being vulnerable with yall is needed,
Im human, we’re all human and I need to thaw out and gather myself for my best season yet. 2025.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for letting me vent,
Chef Alex Jean (Jeano)
YES, I will be open Wednesday at Tri city brewery 5-7PM.