When my family and I decided to start Garden Greetings in April of 2020 we did it with the intention of putting smiles on faces during a time of uncertainty; thank you for allowing us to accomplish that goal. You gave us the opportunity to make hundreds of memorable moments a little more special. You invited us to your homes, to your biggest events and we are truly grateful for the friends we made through this little family business.
Unfortunately, or fortunately depending how you look at it, our lives have returned to pre-pandemic chaos. Our full-time jobs are busier than ever and with juggling two boys and countless practices and games a week...we just can't give Garden Greetings and our customers the attention that it deserves.
That is why we are excited to announce that we have been acquired by Orange County Yard Greetings. They are a PHENOMENAL Mother-Daughter duo here in Huntington Beach that will continue to make people all around OC smile a little bigger when their work is done. Please feel free to contact them directly for all your yard sign needs, (949)506-7355 or visit their website: https://ocyardgreetings.com
Thank you again for supporting us on this little adventure the past couple years,
Alana and the entire Cooper Family