Hey everyone! Back when I was a kid I had cancer on one of my kidneys. It was a terrible and trying ordeal especially for my parents. However the Dream Factory provides little glimmers of hope for sick kids, and they were kind enough to give me my first Jeep! A "Gaucho" powerwheel. It had a working winch and was totally awesome! Larry Moore from Ch 9 news likes to do follow up interviews once in awhile and will be out to meet me for a follow up on March 29 at 2pm. I thought it would be really cool though if instead of just showing my sweet new jku, that I would love to give him back a donation to the Dream Factory. Let's help make a glimmer of hope for another sick kid happen. Especially if it might be in the form of a Jeep Powerwheel! (Have you seen the bright pink Barbie Jeep?!)
So delay that next jeep part or mod you were gonna buy and donate a little to a sick kid who needs a powerwheel jeep to lift his spirits while he battles cancer on Chemo!
Please share this as well, even if you can't donate yourself this story might help brighten someone else's day and they may be inclined to.
Thank you very much!
Cancer sucks. I could use your help. This is long but PLS read and give me some feedback. I had a tumor on my left kidney back when I was a kid in 1990. The doctor's cut the kidney out, and I went through Chemo and am a (basically fully functioning?) adult today. The picture above is me in the ho...