After 3 years, 70+ weddings, thousands of miles on the road, and limitless glitter, cake, and flower petals, it's time for me to close up shop.
The last 3 years have been an absolute whirlwind. I dove head first into owning and managing my own wedding planning firm & I loved every bit of it. There were challenges along the way, but just as many joyous moments, too. I had the luxury of working everywhere from Bellingham, Enumclaw, Winlock, Westport, and so many other cities. I spent evenings on rooftops in Ballard, farms in Ellensburg, at the top of Crystal Mountain, and next month, we're headed to the last wooden ferry in Seattle. I had the pleasure of helping nearly 100 couples with one of the most memorable days of their lives, and I wouldn't trade it for a thing.
I am grateful beyond words for the relationships, memories, and knowledge gained & exchanged along the way. Thank you for everything.
-- Sydney 💜