Today I was encouraged to stretch my myself in the area of faith and reach for the sun like the sunflower. As I reflect on this, I was reminded of my time spent yesterday at the flower farm. This is my top 3 places to go uwind. Anyway, as I was strolling the fields and cutting flowers, I came across a patch of sunflowers. Sunflowers have a special place in my heart as they remind me of my time with my grandmother. Interesting factoid, sunflowers have a feature called heliotropism- which means they follow the sun. Sunflowers swing their heads by growing a little more on the east side of the stem — pushing the head west — during the day and a little more on the west side at night, so the head swings back toward the east.
As I was at Earl Grey Flower Farm yesterday, I learned that sunflowers can grow to 12 feet high. The record is 30 feet tall.
So I say all this to say as we go into the new week, have faith and reach for the sun.