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Tomorrow is our ABA Student SummitπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌI can’t wait to meet all of you, share my journey, and explain why I started this ...

Tomorrow is our ABA Student SummitπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

I can’t wait to meet all of you, share my journey, and explain why I started this summitβ€”with the support of my amazing BCBA supervisor. I’m also eager to get to know each of you!

I’ve created some simple guidelines to ensure we have a safe space for everyone. Remember, this summit is built by students, for students, and we want to foster an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and support.

See you all tomorrow!

I can’t believe my 7-year-old made this cake!A few years ago, we decided to stop doing big birthday parties. Now, we cel...

I can’t believe my 7-year-old made this cake!

A few years ago, we decided to stop doing big birthday parties. Now, we celebrate with virtual Zoom parties with family and friends!

Whatever the boys are interested in, we find classes or experiences that reflect that. I want my children to enjoy their special day while I can celebrate without the pressure of hosting.

I’m so proud of my little one! Cheers to Nasir! & thank you πŸ•ΈοΈπŸ•·οΈ



Building a strong foundation for future practitioners starts with supportive education and meaningful experiencesπŸ“©      ...

Building a strong foundation for future practitioners starts with supportive education and meaningful experiencesπŸ“©

Simply put, prioritizing the student experience in ABA is essentialπŸ–€To join the ABA Student Summit Meeting, click the li...

Simply put, prioritizing the student experience in ABA is essentialπŸ–€

To join the ABA Student Summit Meeting, click the link in my bioπŸ”—

Being Black In America Poem by Kenneth R JenkinsIs it enoughTo being Black in AmericaTo being in America?First firedLast...

Being Black In America Poem by Kenneth R Jenkins

Is it enough
To being Black in America
To being in America?
First fired
Last hired
First to die
First to be jailed
last for opportunites
And sometimes
None at all!
Is it enough
To die for America?
If we die then who will
Stand up for us
Or take our place?
It is enough
To being Black in America
To be Black in America?
HELL NO! ! ! !

I hold my children tighter tonight.

Rest In Power Marcellus Williams

Compassion goes a LONG WAY❀️

Compassion goes a LONG WAY❀️

Let’s be honest: these positions are demanding and can take a serious toll both physically and mentally. Most come with ...

Let’s be honest: these positions are demanding and can take a serious toll both physically and mentally. Most come with inadequate support and training, yet the expectations are sky-high.

This creates a vicious cycle for BCBAs, teachers, and other support staff, and is unfair to those who chose to leave!

Are we genuinely committed to making a difference, or is this all about the money?

Happy 52nd aka 21st Birthday to my MamaπŸ’•πŸŒΈMay this year be a year of rest, relaxation and a deep connection with God🌸I pr...

Happy 52nd aka 21st Birthday to my MamaπŸ’•πŸŒΈ

May this year be a year of rest, relaxation and a deep connection with God🌸

I pray that in the VERY near future I won’t be treating you to dinner but to vacations🚒🏝️You are the most deserving person I know!

God bless you x1,000,000 😘

Barbuda πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¬Until next vacation β€οΈπŸ’›

Barbuda πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¬

Until next vacation β€οΈπŸ’›

Very Classy. Very whatever the heck else πŸ˜‚πŸ’Ž

Very Classy. Very whatever the heck else πŸ˜‚πŸ’Ž

I saw something online that made me rethink how I share pictures of my children. In the excitement of capturing special ...

I saw something online that made me rethink how I share pictures of my children. In the excitement of capturing special moments and traditions, it’s easy to overlook privacy concerns. Let’s be mindful of what we post and consider the potential impact.

Share this with other parents and guardians to spread the word. πŸ™πŸΌ

Part 2: High TurnoverThoughts ?πŸ’­ Send this to someone who may need it🚩

Part 2: High Turnover
Thoughts ?πŸ’­
Send this to someone who may need it🚩

Thoughts? πŸ’­

Thoughts? πŸ’­

God’s been doing his big one & so have I.

God’s been doing his big one & so have I.

From 1997 to 2024, my mother, Mrs. Martinez, dedicated her career to teaching children at  Christa McAuliffe School PS:2...

From 1997 to 2024, my mother, Mrs. Martinez, dedicated her career to teaching children at Christa McAuliffe School PS:28 in Jersey City.

June 25, 2024, marks a monumental day for my mother. After starting at PS: 28 in 1997, she is retiring from the school.

Throughout her career, my mother has devoted herself to molding young minds. She navigated challenges, from teachers and administrators to working with parents, all while creating a safe and nurturing environment for her students.

I vividly remember the day (many moons ago) when my mother brought me into her self-contained classroom. I was intrigued by how she kept her composure and managed challenging behaviors. I used to beg her to let me come to work with her. Looking back now, I realize she inadvertently introduced me to the career I am in today. I remember riding the bus home with her, analyzing the children and how she managed the classroom. I even thought her class was β€œcool” because it was full of life; even the behavioral children were all so different but authentically themselves.

To say I’m proud of you, is an understatement. Your resilience and dedication to providing the best life possible have shaped me into the woman I am today.

You’ve graced PS:28 with your presence for many years. Now, it’s time for your next chapter. May it be filled with peace, relaxation, healing, and maybe even giving me a break by taking care of these kids πŸ˜‚

πŸŽ“ Our little Kindergarten graduate has stolen our hearts! πŸ’– We made this day extra special with a pool party, a fun phot...

πŸŽ“ Our little Kindergarten graduate has stolen our hearts! πŸ’– We made this day extra special with a pool party, a fun photo shoot, and tons of PokΓ©mon cards!

I can’t wait to see what amazing adventures lie ahead for my little superstar. 🌟

Here’s to Nasir, the future tennis champ, business mogul, pastor, veterinarian, and PokΓ©mon master! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ“

Now booking for March✨

Now booking for March✨

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