Hello family and friends! I'm pleased to announce that the 2nd Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner was a huge success! I exceeded my goal to 250 total community membersfeed! I would like to publicly thank everyone who played a part in my 2nd Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner! It is truly a blessing to be a blessing to others and I couldn't have done it without your love and support! To my team: Crystal Holliday, Carolyn Dozier, Chelsea Goss, and Sandra Houston Thank you for your continuous support and dedication to my visions you all are greatly appreciated! To my platinum sponsors Community Life Church, No Mas Margaritas, ML Awbrey Inc, Chicken and Fish Express, C & C Pumping C.O. Marable, Mt Bethel Methodist Church, Whaley Associates, LLC, and Roanoke City Hall!Thank you for your love and support and for pouring back into the community. Thank you, Andrian Cannon, Jennifer Holliday, Valarie Ware, Daffie Dillard, Jerlsea Glenn, Carlisle security, Llewellyn and Donnie Hines, and Ceteria Carlisle, for your time support, and role at the event! Lastly, to the community thank you to those who reached out and helped in any way, monetary, food, set up, delivery, errands, etc I thank you!!! Let's continue to be the change we wish to see!
P.S. Please charge my mind and not heart if I missed anyone in the narrative or tagging! I'm still recovering!😫🫣❤️
Express Chicken & FishWhaley Associates, LLCNo Mas MargaritasShelon Rhodes