UPDATE: THANKS to those that have answered so far...all responses were for kid activities.
I'm currently most interested in THIS survey, which no one has taken yet (because of my inability to clearly explain in the first place ;-P )
LOCALS with or without kids: Are you interested in attending or hosting private events and want to do it Down by the River (aka our property)? I have some ideas of events I'd personally like to host and would love to hear what you'd be interested in actually attending! :) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Preview/?sm=nqL83tFU2kchbtbMyIAK6TEAEql6VzWUYWMKqhaMBE62SBLPOClPiT0QyLUFhvpq
ORIGINAL POST: Hello Locals! I'm gauging interest for some ideas I've been brainstorming, for building & growing my Down by the River, LLC business. If you have a couple minutes and you're local, I'd truly value your feedback by answering a brief 1-3 minute survey. Thanks in advance!
This survey preview allows you to see what respondents will see when they take the survey, however, no data will be collected or recorded. Your survey respondents won’t be able to add comments to this survey or view any existing comments.