Just a little something for a very special birthday girl!! 😉🪩💜
Yep! Today I turn 40 years old! 🎉🥳🍾
I always get told I don’t look 40! 🫶🏼
And I don’t feel 40 either (until after I’m all done setting up for a wedding! 🤪)
It’s crazy these ideas we have of what we think we will be doing when we’re 30, 40, 50…!
I’ll tell you, I NEVER imagined I would be owning my own floral design business!! 💐
But I’m so glad I’m here!! I’ve learned a lot! I’ve grown a lot! I’ve stressed a lot! I’ve been challenged a lot! Owning your own business is A LOT of work (read: stress and tears and doubt). But there’s also A LOT of reward!!
Long story short: I’m proud of myself! Sure, I’ve had some struggles (who hasn’t?!?) and I know I’m one that sometimes lingers too long on those. But I truly want to focus more on the triumphs of my journey! And I want to have FUN along the way!! 💜
So, for 40, I’m committing to lots of love, care, acceptance, health, boundaries, and belief in myself! And TONS of FUN!! 💫🪩💫
Thank you so much to each one of you for being here. For being a part of my journey!
40, eh?!?! Let’s do this!!!!! 💜✨💃🏼💐
Photographer: @wildlomasi.photoco
Makeup: Nicole Laughlin Makeup Artist
🥂 Cheers 🥂 to all the wonderful couples that trusted me to create beautiful floral pieces for their lovely weddings this year!
I intentionally took on less weddings this year. I had some personal obligations and was really trying to prioritize boundaries. Sometimes it felt like I wasn’t doing enough! It made me doubt the success of my own business at times. But it was exactly what I needed for this year!! I got to freelance a little more with some designers I adore and have learned SO MUCH from!! And I got to be available for those personal obligations as well as stress a little less! (Just a little!! 😆) I am grateful that I have the power to set those boundaries and be intentional!! And I look forward to seeing what each year brings in my business!!
It is truly my absolute honor and thrill to be a part of such a special day in the lives of so many couples!! I cannot thank you all enough for your faith, trust, and belief in me!!
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #2022weddings #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
As promised, another post solely dedicated to greenery on an object at your wedding!!
That bare chandelier over your dance floor SCREAMS: “Put greenery on me!!!”
Guaranteed to get everyone out on the dance floor!! 😉
Photographer: Shelby Dickinson Photography
Venue: Seven Springs VA
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #greeneryonchandelier #brideandgroomdance #dancewithsomebody #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
Wedding cake appreciation post!!
If you know me, you know I have a sweet tooth that is, quite frankly, out of control!! But it is my weakness, and if you really love me, you’ll save me a slice of your wedding cake!! 😜
I am always amazed by the cakes these bakers/designers create! Such talents!! And I am always here for flowers on your cake!!
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #weddingcake #flowersonweddingcake #cakeflowers #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
I know a lot of people could use a beautiful view right now!
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #bohowedding #bohovibes
#bohemianwedding #bohoarchspray #archflowers #hexagonweddingarch #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
The work doesn’t end once we finish setting up for your wedding. We have to come back to the studio, unload everything, turn the Uhaul back in, post content from the day, go back and tear down, then clean the studio and sanitize hardgoods & buckets and put everything away to prepare for the upcoming week!! …All while still exhausted and aching from the labor intensive set up the day before!
Cheers to all my floral buddies! I see you out there busting your asses! You’re doing a fantastic job and I’m proud of you!
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #weddingcleanup #floralstudio #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
I’m an artist!!!!!
Photographer: Kait Winston Photography LLC
Venue: The Market at Grelen
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #floralartist #springwedding #weddingreceptionvibes #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
I am ALWAYS here for putting greenery on mantles, columns & poles, and staircases!!!
Something so “simple” adds such a huge impact to your event! And, quite frankly, it’s a W H O L E moment!!
Photo cred: Tessa Anne Photography, LLC
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #greeneryonstaircase #greeneryonmantle #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
Who doesn’t love Love?!?!
Photographer: Mirage Photography
Venue: Antebellum of New Kent
Coordination: CCS Events
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #lovesign #virginiaisforlovers #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
1. Get a peacock chair.
2. Add boho florals to peacock chair.
3. Find a QUEEN.
4. Look off to the side.
5. SLAY!!!
6. Repeat
We understood the assignment!!
Photographer cred: Images by Windy, Jaemie Hillbish Photography
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebok #flowerstalking #bohovibes #bohoflowers #peacockchair #peacockchairflowers #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes
Here’s your Monday morning (flower) power up!!!
You’ve got this week!!! 💥💪🏼💐
#florist #flowers #floraldesigner #richmondflorist #RVAflorist #RVA #RVAweddings #richmondweddings #virginiawedding #pennsylvaniawedding #obxwedding #locationweddingflorist #weddingflorist #weddinginspiration #weddingflowers #wedding #eventflorist #floraldesign #flowerpower #flowersofFacebook #flowerstalking #powerup #pappyjunesbouquets #pappyjunes