Does your event center or House of worship need an update to the sound system? I can help you calibrate your system to the room and make sure you get the best possible sound both in person and over your live stream.
Watching the blinking lights with my friend during a photo shoot today… it’s these kind of simple things that make me happy!
Fun times at #boardandbrush with friends from Tulsa Business Owners Networking Group!
Loved chatting with Cash Matthews on the #Cashflows Podcast - not only did we get to interview 105 other people, but we got an opportunity to share a bit about ourselves, too! Check it out at
God has been so good! Glad to be a part of this great event with @ebcyouth_tulsa at @eastlandbaptist
Nothing beats spending time with your favorite people…in studio or in a woodland cabin.
Podcasts almost ready to go live!
Prepping podcasts for publication!
The Cashflows podcast is now 107 episodes for season 1 and will be dropping soon! I’m about 65 episodes into the edit process and am already kicking off uploads and text edits for each show!
Ingredients in Motion: Crafting the Perfect Pizza
This stop-motion animation brings the pizza-making process to life, showcasing each ingredient in motion as they collaborate to craft the perfect slice.
Happy New Year!
Are you counting down the new year, too? Count down with us!